Identifying and understanding functional limitations or challenges of individuals with disability
Sensation Activation of sensorineural structures Senation processing Difficulties: Motor Function Manual dexterity Hearing Vision Sense of touch Speech AT Match: Voice Actived - Speech to Text Screen Reader Track ball Magnification Alternative Augmentative Communication Device (ACC devices such as our guest speaker discussed his daughter using)
Perception: visual, auditory, haptic, motor Ability to differentiate between stimuli via the sensory channels and for the brain to give stimuli meaning Visual Perception (understanding what you see) Difficulties: distinguishing differences between things distinguishing visual details filling in missing parts of images (pictures, graphs, maps etc. ) distinguishing general characteristics of an image or a facical expression Difficulties managing motor skills due to visual processing challenges (body movement in time and space, eye hand coordination) organizing your work space or a room AT Match: Software that changes the color contrast of visual materials, magnification software, software that allows for highlighting of text In addition: alternative text description of visual data
Auditory processing difficulites: Perception Auditory processing difficulites: distinguishing differences between sounds/voices distinguishing specific words or numbers distinguish general sound patterns blending parts of words together AT Match Software that allows for different pitched voices, visual cues for auditory sounds in a computer system and text for all spoken word Assistive Listening Device Software that assists with learning the different parts of speech
Haptic processing difficulties: Perception Haptic processing difficulties: Processing what is felt through touch and/or movement Proprioception is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body. Unlike the exteroceptive senses by which we perceive the outside world, and interoceptive senses, by which we perceive the pain and movement of internal organs, proprioception is a third distinct sensory modality that provides feedback solely on the status of the body internally. It is the sense that indicates whether the body is moving with required effort, as well as where the various parts of the body are located in relation to each other. AT Matches Varying Tactical Input Devices that are perceivable to the student (fuzzy mouse, squishy switch, rough texture devices) Vibration of a mouse or a Wii gaming device
Sequential/Organizational processing difficulties includes: Imagery/Memory Comprehensive frame of reference for information and the sequence and storing of it Sequential/Organizational processing difficulties includes: remembering details long enough to get them into long-term memory remembering daily routines retrieving long-term details doing things in the proper order using motor coordination finding the words you want to say or write organizing thoughts and materials writing mechanics sounding out new words attending to details AT Match: Organization Tools: color, groupers, flow charting, flash cards, highlighting, drill and practice Text to Speech Speech to Text Organizational software
Symbolization processing difficulties: Ability to represent experience through language either verbally or nonverbally Symbolization processing difficulties: decoding skills weak for reading or encoding skills for writing language fluency weakness rules of grammar problematic Social Cognition conveying feelings through language political acumen AT Matches: - Use pictures rather than text to communicate - Use Speech to Text Software - Organizational Software Tools - Software that helps build social cognition
Conceptualization Abstraction of ideas, generalization, abstract problem solving categorical reasoning Conceptualization processing difficulties: Concept formation Critical thinking Problem solving Applying rules and principles Ability to explain how something works AT Match: Tools that help you organize your thoughts such as flow charts or concept maps in organizational software. Software that helps organize steps to apply rules and principles. Graphic interfaces that display mathematical principles.
If you are using a screen reader with Power Point, or if you would prefer a simple text version of the information, you will find a simple text version of this information on Slide 12 Title: General Assistive Technology Match to the Hierarchy of Learning The next slide has animation. IT has two columns, one with categories of AT and the other is the levels of the Hierarchy of Experience. As the animation continues , the arrows appear pointing to the levels of the Hierarchy. The same information is presented on Slide 12 in a simple text formate
Text to Speech, 3D Objects, Raised Line Graphs, Overlays General Assistive Technology Match to the Hierarchy of Learning Organizational Software Tools (Concept Maps, Brainstorming, Study Aids) Conceptualization Symbolization Text to Speech, 3D Objects, Raised Line Graphs, Overlays Imagery / Memory Voice Activated Computing/AAC Ms. Cullen : 5 minutes Now that we all have gone through experiencing different types of functional limitation how might it fit all this information into the Model That is how we have been thinking of the model as we work together. Now lets look at a case Perception Screen Readers, Magnification, ALD, Large Button, Track Ball, Voice Activation Sensation Johnson, D.J. & Myklebust, H.R. Learning Disabilities, Grune & Stratton, New York, 1967
Neuro -developmental Constructs Assistive Tech Categories Hierarchy Of Learning Neuro -developmental Constructs Assistive Tech Categories Conceptualization Concept –Formation Problem Solving Organizational Software Tools (Concept Maps, Brainstorming, Study Aids) Symbolization Phonological Processing Morphological Sense Text to Speech, 3D Objects, Raised Line Graphs, Overlays Voice Activated Computing/AAC Imagery/Memory Temporal-Sequential –Ordering Saliency Determination Pattern Recognition Recall Perception Proprioception Spatial Ordering Visual Motor Integration Screen Readers, Magnification, ALD, Large Button, Track Ball, Voice Activation Sensation Motor Function Manual dexterity Same information as the previous slide but with Neurodevelopmental Constructs added
General Assistive Technology Match to the Hierarchy of Learning Conceptualization Concept –Formation Problem Solving AT: Organizational Software Tools (Concept Maps, Brainstorming, Study Aids) Symbolization Phonological Processing Morphological Sense AT: Text to Speech, 3D Objects, Raised Line Graphs, Overlays, Voice Activated Computing/AAC Imagery/Memory Temporal-Sequential –Ordering Saliency Determination Pattern Recognition Recall AT: Voice Activated Computing/AAC, Organizational Software Tools (Concept Maps, Brainstorming, Study Aids) Perception Proprioception Spatial Ordering Visual Motor Integration AT: Screen Readers, Magnification, ALD, Large Button, Track Ball, Voice Activation, Text to Speech, 3D Objects, Raised Line Graphs, Overlays Sensation Motor Function Manual dexterity AT: Screen Readers, Magnification, ALD, Large Button, Track Ball, Voice Activation, Voice Activated Computing/AAC Alternative visual of the same information as previous slide
Case Example Area of deficit: Difficulty matching auditory sound with the written symbol. Mispronounced, added or deleted sounds. Deficit in speed of visual processing of language stimuli. Impact: Significantly poor spelling, grammar and punctuation, which leads to difficulty with written language. Deficits in reading decoding and encoding
What Areas Need Assistance? Reading/Writing: Auditory output is needed for spell check, grammar facilitation, punctuation guidance and processing speed. Auditory input is needed for written work.
The Case Example Areas of breakdown in the Hierarchy of Experience Conceptualization His ability to write and decode written language is not commensurate to his cognitive capability, therefore a significant discrepancy is demonstrated. Symbolization A complete comprehensive frame of reference is missing. He does not remember the sequence of letters, syllables, and numbers. Imagery or Memory Break down occurs in how the individual perceives visual and auditory stimuli. Reading decoding and Written language is affected because he has difficulty matching auditory sound with the written symbol. Perception Sensation Johnson, D.J. & Myklebust, H.R. Learning Disabilities, Grune & Stratton, New York, 1967
A.T. Match: A Reading and Voice Activation System A reading system would provide the benefits of a dictionary, text-to-speech, word pronunciation, syllable breakdown, and visual guidance for reading. Processing speed should be improved with the visual and auditory combination of stimuli provided by a reading system. Voice activated computing would provide the option of auditory input without the limitation of his encoding deficits.
But… What skills are needed to use the A.T.? Strong memory skills to acquire the knowledge of how to navigate a reading and voice activation system. Good visual processing skills in order to understand what is being seen as he navigates a computer screen.
AT Match Justification Therefore, a reading system that provides auditory feedback with the functionality of spelling, dictionary, pronunciation assistance and highlighting to help his visual tracking skills would be a good match. Using voice activated computing provides an input method which does not rely on perception and symbolization skills.