Prime PlusPrime Premium Prime Prestige Prime P3D
Turnaround time Depends upon the quality of the artwork submitted. Acceptable File Format, Adobe or.eps file extension vector artwork is preferred. Recreation of art to usable formats or any changes to logo including design, layout, color, typesetting, etc. will require more time.
Turnaround time Depends upon the complexity of the design requirements. Stock pattern background or custom background picture from client will enable a quicker turnaround time. Additional time is required to search client website for background theme graphics and Photoshop editing. Multiple Items on the same Virtual Proof Request will effect delivery.
Turnaround Time Depends upon concise instructions: To expedite requests, a standardized Virtual Proof Request Template has been created. Complete the Template and send it along with additional client instructions if applicable. Please be sure that the Subject line follows the format below: Subject: Prime Plus – LOGO NAME Subject: Prime Premium – LOGO NAME Subject: Prime Prestige – LOGO NAME Subject: Prime P3D – LOGO NAME
* REQUIRED FIELDS NOTE: Using this form will expedite your request. s without a form need to clearly indicate the required fields and state all other necessary information in the body of the .
Request to the following link: Available during Normal Prime Business Hours 8:30 am ~ 6:30 pm all times eastern. Prime Plus: 1-2 hours up to 5 items (Rush) -With Stock Background 4-6 hours up to 10 items -With Stock Background Prime Premium: 6-8 hours up to 10 images Logo slapping: Placing a logo on a product image without further changes -With Stock Background Prime Prestige: 24 hours up to 10 images Logo slapping: Placing a logo on a product image without further changes -With Stock Background 1-2 days 1 page If design proposal is needed or custom background. (changing of product colors, multiple logo placements, creating custom products, etc.) Prime P3D: 1-2 days 1 page Logo slapping: Placing a logo on a product image without further changes -With Stock Background 2- 3 business days If design proposal is needed or custom background. (changing of product colors, multiple logo placements, creating custom products, etc.)