Extremely High Throughput (EHT) 802.11 – study group creation Month Year Doc Title Extremely High Throughput (EHT) 802.11 – study group creation Authors: Date: 2018-06-18 Name Affiliation Address Phone Email Laurent Cariou Intel 2111 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro OR 97124, USA +1-503-712-5560 laurent.cariou@intel.com Robert Stacey robert.stacey@intel.com Xiaogang Chen Xiaogang.chen@intel.com Po-Kai Huang Po-kai.huang@intel.com Laurent Cariou, Intel John Doe, Some Company
In May, we agreed to create a study group on EHT During the May meeting, we proposed the creation of a study group to increase peak throughput with the following features: 320MHz, multiband aggregation and 16 spatial streams. Document 789r10 (https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/18/11-18-0789-10- 0wng-extreme-throughput-802-11.pptx) is describing the proposed scope. A strawpoll was run in the WNG session (96 Y, 1 N, xx A): Do you agree to start a study group to define new features of 802.11 on bands between 1 and 7.125 GHz with the primary objective to increase peak throughput with the following candidate features: 320MHz bandwidth, multiband aggregation and operation, and 16 spatial streams. In addition, The study group will discuss high throughput applications such as video-over-WLAN, AR and VR The study group may discuss additional objectives and features. Final set of features shall be determined within 6-months, which should be also the maximum duration of study group. The study group may define procedural enhancements to make 802.11 standards development more efficient and scalable. Slide 2 Laurent Cariou, Intel
We motioned the creation of a TIG to initiate discussion in July A TIG was then created to initiate discussion (as a study group can not be created during interims) Approve formation of an XT TIG to initiate discussion on new 802.11 features for bands between 1 and 7.125 GHz: with the primary objective to increase peak throughput candidate features include but are not limited to: 320 MHz bandwidth, multiband aggregation and operation, and 16 spatial streams, as described in https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/18/11-18-0789-10-0wng-extreme-throughput-802-11.pptx. To support high throughput applications such as video-over-WLAN, AR and VR Laurent Cariou, Intel
TIG discussions during July meeting This TIG is a way to initiate study group discussion during the July meeting, with the promise that it will transition into a SG at the end of the July meeting We should then have discussion as if we were in a study group The motion to create the study group is a formality that we need to do during the July meeting Laurent Cariou, Intel
Motion to create EHT Study group Following the agreement we reached in May, we can easily define the motion text to create the study group by adapting the TIG motion into a SG motion Next slide defines this baseline motion proposal This is the baseline proposal that is agreed by all as an outcome of the May meeting During the July meeting, we can further discuss and have presentations in order to see if we can have a scope that is even more precise and if we can have a motion text even more precise If we need more time for this, we fall back naturally to the baseline motion proposal Laurent Cariou, Intel
Baseline proposed motion for EHT study group Approve the formation of the 802.11 Extremely High Throughput (EHT) study group to consider development of a Project Authorization Request (PAR) and Criteria for Standards Development (CSD) for 1 to 7.125 GHz operation With the primary objective of increasing peak throughput to support high throughput applications such as video-over-WLAN, AR and VR. Candidate features include but are not limited to: 320 MHz bandwidth, multiband aggregation and operation, and 16 spatial streams, as described in https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/18/11-18-0789-10-0wng-extreme-throughput- 802-11.pptx. Laurent Cariou, Intel