Always try to help a friend in need.
but remember... it's ok to be afraid sometimes.
Give lots of kisses.
even when being attacked a wild animal Remain Calm... even when being attacked a wild animal
even if it seems rather hopeless!
Take a nap if you need one.
Have a good sense of humor and laugh often.
Love your friends, no matter who they are.
Don't waste food.
Try to have a little fun each day...
‘It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.’'s important, no matter what...
to work together as a team,
share a joke with your friends and neighbors,
and fall in love with someone special...
Say "I love you" often.
Express yourself creatively.
Share with a friend.
Remember the saying, Good things happen to good people!
Exercise a little each day!
Live up to your name.
Close your eyes and smile at least once a day!
Hold onto good friends, they are few and far between!
Laugh often.
Don't be overly concerned with your weight….. …. it's just a number!
Remain Calm...
Never be ashamed...
Give it your all
To thy own self be true
Love someone with all of your heart.
If an enemy wants to see us fail, then a friend must want us to succeed. So, true friends must be those that make us work harder & correct our faults. Think kindly of your parents & teachers. And hold on to good friends; they are few and far between! Yes Positivity!!!