Please check-in, fill out a name tag, and sit with your parents. Welcome! Please check-in, fill out a name tag, and sit with your parents.
Opening Prayer
Quiz (on Lesson 22)
Forgiveness Quiz! 1. Forgiveness is: To pardon someone. Showing love to someone. One of the hardest things we do. All the above. Forgiveness Quiz!
2. In Matthew 5:43-44, Jesus tells us to love… Our wealth. Our enemies. Our socks. Our awesome youth leader. Forgiveness Quiz!
3. Who does Jesus forgive while hanging on the cross? Roman soldiers His mother This class All the above Forgiveness Quiz!
4. Praying for your enemy is… Hard to do. One of the deepest forms of love. A way to show love. All the above. Forgiveness Quiz!
5. True or false: We are able to love others because God first loved us. Forgiveness Quiz!
Today’s Lesson Sacraments - Baptism In your small group, define the Key Words together.
Key Words BORN AGAIN Having received in baptism: salvation, forgiveness of sins, and the promise of everlasting life with God. DAILY REPENTANCE The realization every day that you are a sinner, but through your baptism into Jesus Christ you are redeemed and forgiven. BODY OF CHRIST All of the saints, past, present, and future – who live in the promise of salvation in Jesus Christ for eternity.
Field-trip TIME!
Field-trip Reflections Write down anything you learned about baptism. Field-trip Reflections
Read Matthew 3:11 Who is John talking about? What does John say about baptism? Why did he mention fire? God has captured us with His love and saved us from the battle of death in our lives. The Holy Spirit purifies us through the waters of baptism.
Read Matthew 3:13-17 Four Reasons for Christ’s Baptism: It indicated God the Father & the Holy Spirit approved of Jesus. John publicly announced the arrival of the Messiah and the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus identified with human sin and became our substitute. It’s an example for Jesus’ followers (US!).
What does Jesus say about baptism? Read Mark 16:15-16
What benefits does baptism give? Small Catechism pg. 24
reflect with these questions: At your table, reflect with these questions: Do you think people have to be baptized to go to heaven? Why? If we are forgiven in baptism, why do we sin afterwards? Can only pastors baptize? Why?
At your table: Share: Your highs and lows from the week Write down prayer requests Choose a confirmand to pray later
Reminders! 6 more lessons until our Kahoot review on May 1st! 15 sermon notes & 15 service hours due May 1st! Pastor Ben will be teaching next Tuesday, while Peter is away.
INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! If 45 or more youth attend on Mar. 11, Moe’s will cater FREE burritos for us at Sunday Night FLY on Apr. 8! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!
Have a wonderful week! Go in peace and serve the Lord!