Study designs used in clinical research Assist. Prof. E. Çiğdem Kaspar, PhD.
Aim: to translate the steps of a research design and the planning steps of a research. Objective: Should be able to list the steps of a research design. Should be able to define the types of research methods that are used in medical sciences.
Study design: Definition A study design is a specific plan or protocol for conducting the study, which allows the investigator to translate the conceptual hypothesis into an operational one.
Hierarchy of study designs
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Analytical studies for epidemiology: 1. Cross-Sectional Study History of Risk Situation of Study Population Reason Result Risk present Disease/have risk factor Risk absent Draw random sample from main population Risk present Disease/have no risk factor Risk absent TIME
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW META ANALYSIS STUDY A STUDY B STUDY C STUDY D Meta-analysis Meta-analysis is a statistical technique in which the results of two or more studies are mathematically combined in order to improve the reliability of the results. Studies chosen for inclusion in a meta-analysis must be sufficiently similar in a number of characteristics in order to accurately combine their results.
Choice of Design Depends on: Research Questions Research Goals Researcher Beliefs and Values Researcher Skills Time and Funds
Choice of Design It is also related to: Status of existent knowledge Occurrence of disease Duration of latent period Nature and availability of information Available resources