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Presentation transcript:


PARAphrase It! Rearrange words / ideas. Articulate all the key points Put the text in your own words. Avoid copying. Rearrange words / ideas. Articulate all the key points Modified from Rachel Lynette, Paraphrase It! poster

Steps Read the fact. Underline key words Decide how to say it differently. Write the fact in your own words

Example Dogs make great pets, but they can have important jobs too. Service dogs are trained to help people who are blind or deaf. They can also help people with emotional issues such as as traumatic stress disorder. They can even detect seizures before they occur as well as some kinds of illnesses.

Example Dogs make great pets, but they can have important jobs too. Service dogs are trained to help people who are blind or deaf. They can also help people with emotional issues such as as traumatic stress disorder. They can even detect seizures before they occur as well as some kinds of illnesses. Although dogs can be wonderful pets, they can also be taught to do valuable tasks. Service dogs do precisely that. They can learn to assist people with a variety of challenges.

Second PARAphrase Dogs can be more than just pets. They can be trained as service dogs to detect seizures before they happen. They can also detect some kinds of illnesses. Service dogs can help people who are deaf or blind. In addition, they can help people who are struggling with emotional problems like post traumatic stress syndrome.