1. I will be respectful of others and not disrupt classroom learning time. 2. I will raise my hand to ask or answer a question and always use complete sentences. 3. I will make good choices for me and let the teacher worry about others. 4. I will keep my hands to myself. 5. I will always do my work to the best of my ability. Consequences 1 st time = warning from teacher 2 nd time = minutes off recess time 3 rd time = loss of recess / principal s office 4 th time and above = office referral and parent contact Created by this years class
Sent home each day Return finished next day If not completed they will have to join the Lunch Bunch at lunch recess Some projects will be given more time Please review their homework with them but let them make any corrections that are needed
20 words sent home each Monday Practice each night (especially words that are difficult) Test each Friday 30 minutes of reading each night Reading log needs to be signed and returned each day 5 minutes Must get 95% or better Very nice medal for passing the 12s
Homework Calendar What we did in each subject Homework Assignments
Reading log -Reading log is to be done each night (can be made up if absent) -Completed log will be collected on Friday for Language Arts credit -Adult initials verifying that the reading was done
When students Catch someone being kind to others we celebrate with the whole class.
Students get the chance to be heard. If they have any questions, concerns or comments they can let me know without disrupting class time.
--Students that are tardy or missing homework will make up their missed work at Lunch Bunch during lunch recess --Keep up with grades at (access info to come) --Book reports and writing assignments due each month
1 Far Below / Below Basic 2 Basic 3 Proficient 4 Advanced Far below the grade level standard Approaching the grade level standard At the grade level standard Exceeds the grade level standard 4 th grade starts having Specialist Teachers for music and P.E. 4 days a week. -The grades from these teachers will be located here.
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:17-8:35 Daily Language & Math & Journals 8:35-9:25Math 9:30-10:20Language Arts :35Recess 10:35-11:40History or Science Continue L.A :15= Library MUSIC History or Science 11:40-12:20Lunch 12:20-1:10 Teacher Read Spelling practice P.E. Teacher Read Spelling practice P.E.MUSIC 1:10-2:00Writers Workshop OR Literature Study D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) Writers Workshop OR Literature Study Testing: X tests / spelling & D.E.A.R. 2:00 – 2:15Possible Break 2:05 EARLY RELEASE Possible Break 2:15 – 2:45 D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) Friday Fun Activity (only if all work is turned in) 2:45 – 3:02End of Day Activities
Mr. Olsons 4th Grade Website Mr. Olsons Address: Web address:
Any type of donations you can make to the classroom would be greatly appreciated! Items we could use: Wide ruled lined paper Pencils (new or used) Kleenex Gallon and quart size Zip Lock Baggies Plain paper plates (any size) 9 inch round balloons Tax Deductable
Please feel free to stop by the classroom any time. (Be sure to check in the office first) If you have any questions please either give me a call here at school (between 8:00 – 3:30) at OR You can me anytime at: