This is the essay we are working towards…. You have 5 minutes for this task Your tasks: 1)Underline/highlight what you think are the most important words in the item and question. Explain why you have chosen these words- link this to what you are actually being asked to do. Because getting into the habit of doing this will help to eliminate “What do I write?” saving you vital time in the exam Why are we doing this?
Objectives Identify the key terminology in exam questions and items (D) Develop your understanding of the functionalist perspective and outline this confidently to obtain higher marking band A01 marks. (C) Identify 2 perspectives that criticise the functionalist view point and begin to apply this to the exam question (C upwards)
This is the essay we are working towards…. You have 15 minutes for this task 1)List all the roles (functions) the family has in society (according to functionalism) link them to two key scholars. Try to do this without relying on your notes Be prepared to share your list 2) Stretch and challenge: Now for the criticism part, (those all important A02 and A03 marks) what schools of thought might have a problem with the functionalist view? What do you need to find out to answer this question?
So what roles does the family have?
Now to put this into exam worthy paragraphs… To begin with.. A sentence explaining how important functionalists see the family (remember they use an organic analogy and see society as like a…..) Introduce the 2 key thinkers, start with Murdoch and his 4 functions, give examples of what these mean in real life e.g. The economic function means providing for your family by working, and buying goods and services produced others in the society, this supports societies economic growth Thing to think about: Which gender does this refer to in functionalist thought? Which other functions are gender biased? Move on to Parson’s what functions did he highlight? How did he split these along gender lines (for top marks use the terms instrumental and expressive roles) This should lead you nicely into criticism from……
Feminists. Why are they so annoyed with the functionalist view? Functionalists see the (nuclear) family as essential to society. I see it as…..
The Triple shift
Why is this stuff relevant to our essay? You tasks 1) Read the hand-out carefully. 2) Using the sociologist’s name as a subheading write notes on each of the key thinkers mentioned in the article. 3) Make sure you have defined the terms duel burden and triple shift. Because you need to be able to criticise the functionalist view on the role of the family and radical feminists see its role as maintaining patriarchy Why is this stuff relevant to our essay?
Feminists. Why are they so annoyed with the functionalist view? Functionalists see the (nuclear) family as essential to society. I see it as….. Because………..
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