Once upon a time at Greeton Village School there was a small class room. And in that class room everyone was good at everything and thats the way it stayed for a very long time. But one day something changed...
It was a beautiful day at G.V.S. A perfect day to be precise. It was maths time in Room Sixteen and everyone was working quietly, when there was a knock at the door. Everyone looked up and there right before their eyes was a small geeky looking kid with a backpack. Hi! he said.
The boy sits down and the teacher says right its two oclock so you know what that means... Sport time! yelled the class sport thought the new kid Im not good at sport. Oh no! Jimmy? Yes sir? call me Mr Shorter yes Mr Shorter? Are you alright? Umm I have a sore leg ok you can sit on the side ha, ha! The nerd cant play soccer! Sneered Scott. And so Jimmy watched all the other kids play soccer.
It was now the next day. Jimmy was not looking forward to going to school. A, he had a long night tuning guitars for his dads band. B, he wasnt looking forward to seeing Scott again. But he went anyway.
After bell it was reading time, and everyone was working furiously. Well everyone except, Jimmy, he was having trouble. So he decided he was going to get out Mr Shorter! he yelled yes? I need to go to the toilet ok Scott made a raspberry sound with his tongue. Jimmy ran off, almost sprinting.
When he got to his destination he sat down to think about the night before... His dad was playing guitar, when the song stopped. His dad went down off the stage and handed him a guitar tune at please thanks.. Dirrrrrrrrinng! Whoa! said Jimmy reassess!
After reassess it was maths time. Jimmy felt his stomach turning, his heart leapt into his throat and sweat dripped down his forehead. I, I dont know how to do maths thought Jimmy Mr Shorter! Yes Jimmy? I dont feel very well alright said Mr Shorter go to the sick bay betcha he just cant do maths sneered Scott.
When he got to the sick bay the nurse said he was fine, so she sent him back to class. On the way back he bumped into Mr Decker hello Jim! he said are you any good at guitar? Yeah? Oh good! Come with me!
Right! Here we are! said Mr Decker. Thonk! A guitar lands in Jimmys hand now, play something seconds pass then a funky guitar solo fills the room wow! Youre pretty good! How would you like to be in the band!? Yeah! said Jimmy.
Two weeks later it was the music assembly and everyone was looking for Jimmy, well at least wondering where he was. And when they got in they found him. He was standing in front of the school with a guitar I his hand.
Hello everybody! We are GreVouS! On guitar we have Jimmy! Jimmy played. Scotts jaw dropped hes awesome! he said I know! said Alistair.
At lunch time the next day, Scott walked up to Jimmy. Oh no! thought Jimmy Im going to get a beating for sure hey Jimmy! yelled Scott Yeah? Want to play rugby? Nah what do you want to do guitar cool! Can I have a go? Yeah, yeah sure!