Science and how it might cause non-belief in Allah…
The big bang… An explosion took place 15 billion year's ago, and from that explosion the universe came to expand and evolve without any involvement from any outside power.
Agnosticism and atheism. People who do not believe in Allah are called atheist( this is atheism). Atheism means believing that Allah does not exist. Other people are unsure about what to believe and claim we cannot know Allah through this or not, tat are called agnostics (this is agnosticism). Agnosticism means not being sure weather Allah exist.
Evolution. Charles Darwin, after studying animals and insects life from different countries, came to a conclusion that all living things had changed to suite that environment in which that found themselves over a period of time. His theory was that Allah did not create all life uniquely but rather it evolved from one source this theory's led some people to doubt Allah's existence .
Muslim response Muslims believe that the universe is created by Allah. Some Muslims believe that even is scientific theories are proved correct this does not mean that Allah did not begin the the Quran it says that Allah created the universe :therefor Muslims believe in creation not science. Muslims also believe Allah existed before all things at all times