Queens Quay Site Clydebank Waterfront Former John Brown Shipyard 98 acre major regeneration site A814 to north & Clyde to south WDC in JV partnership with site owners Clydeside Regeneration WDC investment of £15.5m 7 to 12 year plan
Queens Quay Current Developments West College Scotland Clydebank campus WDC Office, Aurora House Titan Enterprise Centre Clydebank Leisure Centre under construction A listed Titan Crane tourist attraction
Queens Quay Masterplan
Queens Quay Masterplan 1,029 residential units 80 bed care home New Health Centre New civic space Linear park with walking and cycling routes Ancillary retail and mixed use
Current Feasibility Study 20 mph zone. Creation of high quality tables at two key junctions that become distinctive spaces. Improve north – south links. Incorporate recent high quality public realm investments. Improve pedestrian and cycle experience within the site and beyond. Ensure materials are high quality, relate to site and are sustainable.
Proposals Realignment/narrowing of main dual carriageway Raised table / traffic calming elements Consideration of 20mph zone Development of material palette Review of bus stop, controlled crossing and parking layouts Partial removal / enhancements to central reserve.
Proposed Titan Crane Junction Creates appropriate setting for International Asbestos memorial Links transport hub, retail and sustainable transport links with new developments, Crane and College. High quality surfaces. Visual narrowing, setted surfaces and reduced widths encourage slow vehicular movement and encourage pedestrian and cycle use. Creates sense of place.