Foreign Object Elimination Eliminating our nemesis, FOD
FOD, FOD, and FOE You are thinking “I know all about FOD already, why are you talking about this again?” Answer: FOD is not a one-time training. It is a way of working and a culture. Talking about FOD causes and effects is important to preventing it in the future. FOD affects us, our customers, and their customers. FOD can be a life and death issue – Concorde in Paris. FOD costs $4 to $6 Billion per year.
What is FOD? FOD has two definitions: Examples of FOD Foreign Object Debris (the stuff that doesn’t belong there) Foreign Object Damage (the damage caused by the stuff that doesn’t belong there) Examples of FOD
Uncontrolled Parts (2-bin) Examples of FOD Staples Paint Chips Sealant Uncontrolled Parts (2-bin) Screws Grease Tooling Insulation Epoxy Dirty Totes Helicoil Tangs Dirt Food and Drink Metal Shavings Wire Clippings
How to Control FOD - Policies Clean and inspect all tooling prior to use. If you can’t remove all the FOD stop and contact your support personnel. Do not clip wires near uncovered parts. Find and throw away (in the trash) every wire clipping and piece of insulation. When installing helicoils, account for every tang on every helicoil installed. Account for all your tooling. Report missing lost, and found items to your supervisor.
Eaton’s FOD Policy No food or drink in work areas (inside yellow lines). Snacks and drinks can be stored in lockers, break tables, refrigerators, and non-work areas. Food at work areas is not only a FOD risk, but also a health and safety risk. Wash your hands before eating anything. No production parts in areas where FOD controls are not in place (outside the yellow lines). Any time parts leave a production area they should be in a covered container. This includes engineering, offices, desks, cubicles, and break tables. Any parts requiring engineering review should be examined in a work area or placed on NCM/DMR.
How to Control FOD - Housekeeping Clean your workstation at the start of your shift, as you work, and at the end of your shift. Tear down units only after stations are cleaned. If you see something, do something – CLEAN IT UP! We have a 6S policy in place – follow it!
Clean As You Go Ensure your work area is clean: Prior to starting an operation As an operation progresses and as debris builds up When an operation cannot continue After an operation is completed prior to inspection At the end of each shift If you drop something – pick it up! If you see something drop – pick it up! If you hear something fall – find it and pick it up!
FOD in tote with improper storage of parts
Proper cleaning of tote by wiping all foreign debris from tote by means of using a dry rag or and alcohol or placing tote in the dishwasher after wiping it out
Proper storage of unit in tote
Unit Ready for Final inspection
Examples of FOD Free Work Station
Work bench should be covered when not in use
Potential FOD in Work Station
FOD Prevention - Everyone's Effort Reason for everyone’s F.O.D Preventive efforts are: Safety; Quality; Cost Savings; Customer Satisfaction; Future Business.
Questions? If you have any Questions; See the Quality Representative or Supervisor in Your Area