Comparison of Satellite and Model-Based Heating Distributions William Olson, Mircea Grecu, Chung-Lin Shie, Wei-Kuo Tao, Stephen Lang JCET/GEST and NASA/GSFC Duane Waliser, Xianan Jiang, Jui-Lin Li, Baijun Tian Jet Propulsion Laboratory Tristan L’Ecuyer Colorado State Univ. Adrian Tompkins ECMWF longitude [deg.] rain rate [mm/h] (TMI) Heating ECMWF Olson pressure [hPa] K/day land Understanding the differences between model-based analyses and “direct” observations from satellite is important for climate diagnostic studies as well as satellite data assimilation applications. Below is a comparison of ECMWF analyzed Q1 and TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) estimates of Q1-QR in a tropical band (10 N - 10 S) on October 28, 1998. EC values of Q1 are substantially greater than the Q1-QR estimates from TMI, especially considering the fact that the TMI estimates would be reduced by adding radiative cooling (QR). Since net condensation heating in the atmosphere is roughly equal to Lv x rain rate, the overall magnitude difference here is traced to the EC analyzed rain rates (lower panel; ERA40) which are generally greater than the TRMM 3b42 and Olson TMI remote-sensing estimates plotted. Limited temporal sampling by the TMI may account for additional differences in heating magnitude.