11 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Sector Guidance
Recap as a whole group what is …. Significant harm What is a vulnerable adult
Lesson objectives To explain sector guidance relating to safeguarding vulnerable adults. To discuss the No Secrets Guidance. To identify the aims in relation to safeguarding of the health and social care act, the care bill and the DBS system. To explain the Dignity in Care Initiative and the Human Rights in Health Care Initiative. To research and discuss a range of case studies relating to vulnerable adults.
No Secrets (2000) There can be no secrets and no hiding place when it comes to exposing the abuse of vulnerable adults. Aims: to create a framework for action within which all responsible agencies work together to ensure a coherent policy for the protection of vulnerable adults at risk of abuse and a consistent and an effective response to any circumstances giving ground for concern or formal complaints or expressions of anxiety This was taken up through the Care Standards Bill. Issued under section 7 of the Local Authority Services Act 1970 – not the same power as a piece of legislation.
It was the first document of its kind which …… Set out a ‘code of practice for the protection of vulnerable adults. Explains how commissioners and providers of should work together to produce and implement local policies and procedures. Local authority social services departments should co-ordinate the development of policies and procedures They should collaborate with the public, voluntary and private sectors and they should also consult service users, their carers and representative groups
It ….. Defined a vulnerable adult Defined what constitutes abuse: Considered the circumstances in which abuse occurs. Built on the concept of “significant harm” Identified the range of agencies who should be involved in an inter agency framework to protect adults (and what they should do!) Identified the need for policy and strategy to protect vulnerable adults. Defined a vulnerable adult
No Secrets – Definition of Abuse Abuse may consist of a single act or repeated acts. It may be physical, verbal or psychological, it may be an act of neglect or an omission to act, or it may occur when a vulnerable person is persuaded to enter into a financial or sexual transaction to which he or she has not consented, or cannot consent. Abuse can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of, the person subjected to it.
It Advocated Protocols which: Ensure safety of the vulnerable adult Launch an investigation to establish facts assess the needs of the vulnerable adult for protection, support and redress; make decisions with regard to what follow-up action should be taken with regard to the perpetrator and the service or its management if they have been culpable, ineffective or negligent It was the first document of its kind to place so much weight on protecting Adults. Including future planning Role of advocates What happens to the perpertrator Victim support Criminal procedings
The Health and Social Care Act 2008 Safeguarding service users from abuse 11. (1) The registered person must make suitable arrangements to ensure that service users are safeguarded against the risk of abuse by means of— (A)TAKING REASONABLE STEPS TO IDENTIFY THE POSSIBILITY OF ABUSE AND PREVENT IT BEFORE IT OCCURS; AND (B)RESPONDING APPROPRIATELY TO ANY ALLEGATION OF ABUSE. (2) Where any form of control or restraint is used in the carrying on of the regulated activity, the registered person must have suitable arrangements in place to protect service users against the risk of such control or restraint being— (A)UNLAWFUL; OR (B)OTHERWISE EXCESSIVE.
The Care Quality Commission commitment to safeguarding CQC’s underpinning priorities are to: • focus on quality and act swiftly to eliminate poor quality care, and • to make sure that care is centred on people’s needs and protects their rights. Care that fails to meet the expected national standards of quality and safety against which we regulate will not be tolerated. CQC has developed this protocol for its staff to describe our role in safeguarding both children and adults.
The Care Bill (currently going through Parliament) When the Care Act comes into force each local authority must establish a Safeguarding Adults Board (an “SAB”) in its area. The objective of all SABs is to help and protect adults at risk. They must carry out formal case reviews They have the right to request specific information from different agencies. This is spreading across all 4 countries.
The Disclosure and Barring Service Criminal record checks deciding whether it is appropriate for a person to be placed on or removed from a barred list placing or removing people from the DBS children’s barred list and adults’ barred list for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (replaced POVA)
Dignity in Care Initiative Social Care Institute for Excellence (2010) resources and practical guidance to help service providers and practitioners in developing their practice, with the aim of ensuring that all people who receive health and social care services are treated with dignity and respect.
Human Rights in Health Care (DOH 2008) Neglecting people’s human rights is bad for their health. Specifically for the NHS To assist NHS organisations to develop and use human rights based approaches to support planning and delivering high quality and accessible health services for all.
The Francis Report For the purpose of the exercise you need to research title and the information that you have been given and: 1 Summarise the case that this relates to. 2 Give a summary of the findings of this report. 3. Highlight any recommendations made for improvement. Make a wall chart to help you when you undertake your safeguarding meeting. Investigate the Francis report.
Death by indifference For the purpose of the exercise you need to research title and the information that you have been given and: 1 Summarise the case that this relates to. 2 Give a summary of the findings of this report. 3. Highlight any recommendations made for improvement.
Wirrel Council Adult Care Failings
Mind “Another Assault” Report 2007 For the purpose of the exercise you need to research title and the information that you have been given and: 1 Summarise the case that this relates to. 2 Give a summary of the findings of this report. 3. Highlight any recommendations made for improvement.
Scope Getting away with Murder For the purpose of the exercise you need to research title and the information that you have been given and: 1 Summarise the case that this relates to. 2 Give a summary of the findings of this report. 3. Highlight any recommendations made for improvement.