UNDAF Development : Experience from MADAGASCAR R-UNDG Orientation Workshop for ESA 11 October 2016, Kigali
Context The development of a new UNDAF was due to start in 2009 March 2009 : unconstitutional change of Government : New authorities not recognized by partners Development assistance suspended ; Special Situation Development modalities activated ; UNCT resorted to interim programming twice: 2010-2011 : Response to new population needs generated by the socio-political crisis : maintaining access to basic social services (education, health,nutrition and WASH) An Interim UNDAF to cover the period 2012-2014
UNDAF development process In the absence of a National Development Plan, UNCT decided to prepare a Common Country Analysis (CCA), a Conflict Development Analysis and an UNDAF for the period 2015-2019 UNCT decided to develop the UNDAF 2015-2019 at the outcome level and operationalize those outcomes through agency specific programmes or CPAPs for funds and programmes (see UNDAF Guidance, January 2010) Country Analysis UNDAF (option 1a) CPDs CPAPs/Agency Programme AWP
UNDAF development process The process was led by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economy and Industry who co-chaired a Steering Committee with the UN Resident Coordinator ; The Steering Committee was made of Permanent Secretaries from key sectoral ministries, Heads of UN Agencies, representatives of major NGOs and private sector
UNDAF 2015-2019 : 3 Outcomes Outcome 1 : Access to income and employment opportunities in an inclusive development process ; Outcome 2 : Peaceful and effective governance, respectful of human rights ; Outcome 3 : Access to sustainable and quality basic social services (education, health, nutrition and WASH) ;
Lessons learned The absence of an NDP complicated the formulation of UNDAF outcomes ; Keeping UNDAF at outcome level may affect the results chain (disconnect between outcomes and the agencies outputs) It is critical that UNCT prioritize results at all levels (outcomes, outputs, and activities) and limit outputs and indicators to a manageable number Develop the theory of change in UNDAF design (based on a articulated results chain) 6
Lessons learned Political will is yet to translate into national ownership and leadership ; Institutional instability is a real challenge to medium term planning ; Access to national authorities represents a key opportunity ; The logic of the theory of change was applied half- way ; Issues and opportunities around alignment ; 7
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