Student October Collection Office Hours 10/03/2017
Student October Data Collection The primary purpose of the Student October Count data collection is to obtain information from each district necessary for determining it’s Total Program funding. This includes: Per pupil funding At-risk funding
Compliance Audit Once the data are received and the Total Program funding is calculated, the Field Analyst Support Team conducts compliance audits of the data reported in the Student October Count. Currently all districts are on a 1 or 2 year audit cycle
Audit Process These compliance audits: Are conducted off-site (remotely) from CDE offices Involve the FAST reviewing electronic documentation uploaded to CDE by the district utilizing Syncplicity Include a review of documentation for a sampled population of students (pupil and at-risk counts) submitted for funding in the Student October Count
Syncplicity Districts will be asked to upload electronic documentation to the FAST using Syncplicity. The naming convention for the audit shared folders used by FAST is: District Number_District Name_Audit_FAST Example: 0010_Mapleton 1_Audit_FAST
Syncplicity Within each shared Syncplicity audit folder, there are 5 subfolders into which documentation can be uploaded: At-Risk Count Audit Report Duplicate Count Pupil Count Transportation_CDE40 District audit contacts will upload documentation to the corresponding subfolder (at-risk count, pupil count, transportation-CDE40)
Syncplicity- Pupil Count Subfolder Within the “Pupil Count” subfolder on Syncplicity, you will find additional subfolders. You will need to make sure that you upload documentation to the correct subfolder. For example, your folder may have subfolders labeled “Oct 2015”, “Oct 2016”, “Oct 2017”
Audit Contact Form In order to receive access to your district’s FAST Sycnplicity folder, you will need to have an “Audit District Contact Form” completed and returned to FAST at If your district has been audited during the past year and you were the audit contact, you should already have access to this folder.
Electronic Documentation In order to upload necessary documentation, districts must be prepared to provide all requested audit documentation to FAST in electronic format. If possible, districts should generate and save required enrollment, attendance and schedule reports electronically from their student information system (SIS) Otherwise, scanning and saving hard copy documents to an electronic format may be used
Electronic Documentation When gathering electronic documentation for audit: All documentation should be organized This may vary by district depending on the number of schools, programs, and student types. Its recommended that subfolders be created (when appropriate) and that district contacts communicate to the assigned field analyst how documentation is organized Each document should be clearly labeled Example: Alpha Middle School_Count window attendance Alpha Middle School_schedules Alpha Middle School_bell schedule
Example: Electronic Documentation-Organization
Pupil Count Audit Questionnaire As part of the audit process, districts are asked to complete a pupil count audit questionnaire. These questionnaires are available on the “Audit Process” webpage. District contacts are encouraged to complete these during the audit collection period.
Timeframe With the increase in audit frequency, districts are encouraged to upload their audit documentation to the FAST through Syncplicity once the duplicate count process is closed. Example: For October 2017, districts are encouraged to upload documentation in December 2017 (including a completed audit questionnaire).
Contact Us Field Analyst Support Team (FAST) Email: Website: Aaron Oberg, Director of School Finance, Rebecca McRee, Operations Lead, Mary Bello, Field Analyst, Travis Noon, Field Analyst, Alan Shimmin, Field Analyst,
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-18 Student October Friday 15th: Deadline for requesting Alternate Count Day and FRL Variance Waiver from FAST September Monday 2nd: Count Day Thursday 5th: Target for first student interchange upload Thursday 12th: Target for error free interchange files Thursday 19th: Target for creating first snapshot Thursday 26th: Target for error free snapshot October Tuesday 7th 5pm: Soft deadline for snapshot submission Friday 10th 5pm: Snapshot submission deadline Tuesday 28th: Last day to resubmit snapshot November Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-2018 Student October Questions, Comments, or Suggestions… Please ask about anything or let us know what you are thinking about Student October Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961