Dear students, How are you, we hope that you all are fine especially after this long.long vacation. It is time to work, we try always to offer you the best. Now hoping that you too will do your best to pass this critical period of time & to complete together our success. For better future to our country. Science Department
Periodic motion
Types of motion Transitional motionPeriodic motion Has a starting & ending point EX: motion of a train Repeated in equal intervals of time. 0scillatory motion Wave motion
Oscillatory motion It is made by oscillating body around its point of rest where the motion is repeated through equal intervals of time
N.B. In the vibrational motion the speed of the vibrating body 1- Decrease when it moves away from its original position 2- Increase when it moves towards its original position 3- Becomes maximum at its original position 4- Becomes zero at the furthest point away from its original position
Examples for oscillatory motion
Operation the microwave oven 1- Microwaves make water molecules present inside the cocked food vibrate 2- This forces the molecules to collide with each other 3- That produces a lot of heat energy that helps cooking the food faster
Graphical representation of oscillatory motion
:Concepts related to the oscillatory motion 1- Amplitude. 2- Complete oscillation. 3- Periodic time..4-Frequency
It is the maximum displacement that is done by the vibrating ( Oscillating ) body away From its original position ( Point at rest ) A C
Complete vibration ( cycle ) The vibrating body begins its motion from
It is the time needed by an oscillating body to make complete oscillation measured in seconds (s) symbol is T Time in second Periodic time = no of complete vibrations made in that time T f 1 =
It is the no of complete oscillation that are made by the vibrating body in One second no of complete vibration The frequency = Time in second Frequency X Periodic time = 1