Galaxies Island Universes
Copyright – FORS1 VLTI, European Southern Observatory
Ellipticals Huge No gas. No dust. No young stars. Nothing but old stars. Random orbits.
Spirals Like Milky Way. Disks and bulge. Young stars and old. Gas and dust. Stars forming. Stars dying. M81 and M82 – Copyright R. Gendler
M63 Copyright – S. Miyazaki, Suburu
NGC1365 Copyright – VLT
M33 – Copyright NOAO
Distance to Near Galaxies Need a standard candle. If there is something in a galaxy which has a known luminosity we can determine a distance. Several candidates: Variable stars Supernovae “Brightest” stars
Variables in Clusters M3 Copyright – K. Stanek (Harvard)
Variable Stars For RR Lyrae stars: For Cepheid variables: Average luminosity is a standard candle Always ~ 100 x Sun For Cepheid variables: Pulsation period is proportional to average luminosity Observe the period find the luminosity Good to 15 Mpc!
Nearby Galaxies Cepheids Period Luminosity Mv Know mv Get Distance
The Local Group
The Virgo Cluster
Concept Test A standard candle can be any object (or class of object) that: Always has the same luminosity. Has some means of knowing its luminosity without first needing to know its distance. Can vary in brightness (as long as it always has the same average luminosity). Has a known absolute magnitude. Always gives off the same amount of energy, regardless of distance from us.
Distant Galaxies Can’t see individual stars. Supernovae rare. Can use nearby galaxies to get distances to further galaxies. Distance ladder: Parallax nearby stars Nearby stars H-R diagram H-R diagram distant stars (variables) Variable stars nearby galaxies Nearby galaxies Hubble’s Law
21cm Radiation Neutral hydrogen (HI) gives off light, l = 21cm. Milky Way HI emission – Copyright J. Dickey
Extragalactic HI Observe HI in other galaxies. Measure wavelength of 21 cm radiation. Doppler Shift: Get velocity away from us.
Hubble’s Law Measure the velocity of every galaxy. Ho = 71 km/s/Mpc Measure the velocity of every galaxy. Nearly all are redshifted. Use Cepheids to measure distances to nearby galaxies. Result: The faster it’s moving, the farther away it is.
Map the Universe v = HoD If you know Ho: 71 km/s/Mpc Measure v Get D Find: Voids Walls Clusters
140 Mpc 70 Mpc
Concept Test Imagine that Cepheid variables were not as luminous as previously thought. As a result, Hubble’s constant would be: Smaller than previously thought. Larger than previously thought. Unchanged since we aren’t changing either the velocity or position of the galaxy. None of the above.
Limits to Hubble’s Law Negative velocity? Galaxy pairs? Clusters? Orbits?
Homework #13 Read: Bennett Ch 22.1 – 22.4 Do Ch22: Problems: 9, 12