Differences of LCDM vs. TeVeS HongSheng Zhao @St Andrews
N2419 105.5 Draco 105 © SDSS
In a fair world Gravity Baryon content Same Gravity for 105 Msun gas cloud = 105 Msun black hole = 105 suns globular = 105 suns dwarf gal … any density profile Blunt tool
Variance in self-gravity despite N1 = N2 =105 ! Unbound at r=200pc Why still Bound?
One has only Baryon, One bound by Dark Matter!
Does this hold in MOND gravity? Polarisation halo due to scalar field Applies to all satellites Or real dark halo around some satellites
Different Roche Lobes in MOND,Newton,TeVeS, DM,
MOND-like gravity (Zhao & Tian 2006)
Roche Lobe shape changes with laws of gravity
External-field effect (EFE) on the small satellite m at distance R
Similar Enviornment, Different Territorial Claims
Large variance
Dark Matter/Baryon Exchange Rate Fluctuates D/B =? Fornax (10-100) Milky Way (10) Globulars (0-1) Any ratio is possible?
Updating Scores LCDM TeVeS Solar System ? ? Tides on Globulars & dSph Rot. curves HSB/LSB Lensing by Ellipticals/Clusters SNIa/CMB