ATG ON HYDROMORPHOLOGY Martina Bussettini (ISPRA, IT) Jo Halvard Halleraker (EA, NO) Wouter Van de Bund (JRC, EU)
Background Hydromorphology (hymo) transversal issue in catchment management and water related policies Few hymo experts in CIS scattered among different groups Proposal to constitute a CIS transversal group to deal with all the technical issues related to hydromorphology (2014) by EE, IT, NO, SE.
Nov. 2015 WD meeting: the endorsement Hydromorphology as a priority work area > new ATG Co-leads to develop ToR To be presented at the Feb 2016 SCG meeting
Before ATG on Hymo Hymo experts in: WG e-flows (ended Nov 2014) WG ECOSTAT Ad hoc group on HMWB/GEP (tbc) WG on Floods WG PoM (ended Dec 2015) ATG HYMO ECOSTAT PoM E-flows GEP Floods
Why is Hymo transversal? Land planning ?? UWWT ND WFD Flood risk mitigation FD HD Agricolture Natural resources protection: Biodiversity,Aquatic Ecosystems Farming Consumo di suolo in italia espresso come % di suolo consumato sulla superficie territoriale dagli anni ‘50 ad oggi Hydropower RES Hydromorphology: one process, many objectives
ATG on Hymo ToR ATG will deal with the technical issues and will consult/support the SCG in hymo related strategic issues through ad-hoc workshops and targete discussions SCG WG DIS strategic issues ATG on Hymo ECOSTAT ATG Art. 4.7 WG Floods
TOR Hymo glossary assessment design of hymo measures flood hazard assessment water quantity… Assess Hymo Links hymo- biology Ecological classification GEP Multiobjective hymo programmes Art. 4.7 Impact on uses etc.
ATG hymo tentative deliverables 2016/17 Issues Tentative deliverables 2016/2017 Glossary on Hymo Workhop on hymo assessment Hymo Links with ecology Case study based comparison for GEP Strategic Workshop on Impact on Water Use
The SCG is invited to: discuss and agree the Terms of Reference mandate the ATG leads to start the work according to the indicated plan