Sub Group of Peer Reviews Oscar Garcia (IFAD) and Inga Sniukaite (UN Women) Convener and Deputy-Convener
Outline Completed and ongoing 2015 - 2016 peer reviews Planned peer reviews for 2016 - 2017 Piloting of peer review guidance Monitoring of MR (Lessons Learned Study, 2013) What is the impact of peer reviews? Draft work programme 2016
Completed and ongoing 2015 – 2016 peer reviews Agency Panel Status UNRWA UNESCO (chair), UNCDF, Norway Completed, report and management response; ITC IFAD (chair), WFP, Finland Ongoing, the draft report shared with ITC for feedback, the expected date for the final report is the end of June; UNDOC UNEP (chair), UNWOMEN, Denmark Ongoing, the draft report shared with UNODC for feedback, the expected date for the final report is the end of April.
Planned peer reviews for 2016-2017 (TBC at AGM) Agency Panel Status International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) ? (chair), ?, Evalnet tbc Expressed interest to have the peer reviews in the second half of 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) ? (chair),?, Evalnet tbc United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)
Piloting of Peer Review Guidance Feedback from EvalNet and ongoing peer reviews: 1) methodology of peer reviews; 2) peer exchange dimension and learning; and 3) overall peer review format and parameters for small evaluation functions.
Monitoring of Management Response (Lessons Learned Study, Davies and Brummer, 2013) Professionalization of Evaluation Concept Paper Update of UNEG norms and standards (Standard 5.1 Quality assurance system) Piloting of Peer Review Guidance
Finalization of peer review guidance Needs to take into account: UNEG professionalization strategy Updated norms and standards Lessons from on going peer reviews Guidance to be finalized in 2017
What is the impact of peer reviews? Lessons learned study addressed the impact question through survey Conduct a review of the implementation of management responses for all completed peer reviews Monitor the implementation of management responses for peer reviews
Feedback from AGM on Work plan 2016 Finalize UNODC and ITC peer reviews Initiate confirmed 4 peer reviews 2016-2017 Finalize peer review guidance Conduct a review of implementation of management responses
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