Welcome to P1b Miss Maxwell
Daily Routine Cloakroom Gym shoes/Outdoor Shoes Red bags-Just for homework/reading books Snack-Morning and afternoon Lunch Milk
Weekly Timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday (Mrs.Gray) Friday Literacy Assembly Maths Golden time Gym- Indoors IDL-Toys/60’s ICT/Library Outdoor Gym Handwriting Music/Drama
Golden Time WARNING 2 WARNING 1 Pupils are welcome to bring in one toy or game for Golden time on a Friday. Just make sure it is a toy that they are happy to share!
Homework Homework is handed out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. Please return the homework in the red bag along with the letter sound bag and reading book.
Curriculum Evening: Will involve looking at the techniques and resources we use when teaching Literacy and Numeracy. 13th September 6-7pm Any Questions?