Code Enforcement Division City of Gainesville
Code Enforcement Division We are dedicated to partnering with our citizens to improve the livability, health and safety of our community. Mission: Empowering our citizens to enhance our community through education, outreach and voluntary compliance with every interaction. To preserve the quality and value of public and private property and maintain a high standard of living. We do this by eliminating conditions that threaten the livability, health, safety and general welfare of the public.
Code Enforcement Division Manager 2 Supervisors 12 Code Officers 1 Field Collector 2 Staff Specialists
Neighborhood Assignments Area #9 specialty area which is from University to 8th and 13th to Main street. Mainly consists of the 5th avenue and pleasant street area.
Division Responsibilities 8 Zone Officers Responsible for: Minimum Housing Code Yard trash Non-operational vehicles Electrical Heating and cooking Structural elements of building Plumbing Yard trash – not in the right of way (Solid Waste) Non – Operational – vehicles with noticeable deficiencies (flat/no tires, hood up, parts removed, on jack stands, broken windshield, etc), untagged or expired tag. Electrical – Unsafe wiring Heating and Cooking – Must have heat and kitchen facilities to be inhabitable Structural elements of the building – intact roof, walls (basically a safe structure – jacks bar) Plumbing – must have adequate plumbing (common is sewage leaks – in the pines) Dangerous building / hazardous land – vacant, boarded building fire damaged, etc. Vacant land with debris, overgrown, etc.
Division Responsibilities (continued) One LDC Officer in charge of: Land Development Code Yard Parking Landlord Permits Signs Home Occupation Permits Residential & Commercial Zoning Special Event Permits
Division Responsibilities (continued) One officer assigned to address dangerous buildings and hazardous lands citywide: Enforces the standards for: Repair Vacate Demolition Board and Seal and Abatement
Division Responsibilities (continued) Two Landlord Code Officers and a Field Collector are assigned to landlord permit issues citywide Duties include identifying properties subject to landlord permit requirements and collecting landlord fees due. Enforcing the ordinance requiring landlords to obtain the permit. Point system
Yard Trash
Abandoned, Untagged, and Non-Operational Vehicles
Dangerous Buildings & Hazardous Lands
Dangerous Buildings and Hazardous Land
Illegal Signs Signs in the right of way Size of sign Type of flag – can be American or state flag (official)
Typical Enforcement Process Verbal Warning and Education Door Tags/Written Warnings Includes a fair and reasonable time to comply City Ordinance Citation – Instant Penalty Notice of Violation Special Magistrate Hearing Daily Fines – Penalties accumulate until compliance is achieved
Public Education & Outreach Comprehensive Website Channel 12 Pamphlets and Brochures Neighborhood Meetings Neighborhood Outreach in UPNA with GPD, UF and Solid Waste Citizen Ride Along Program
City of Gainesville Code Enforcement Division P.O. Box 490, Station 10A Gainesville, FL 32602-0490 352-334-5030 (Office) 352-334-2239 (Fax)