Area of interaction focus Unit title: 我 All about me Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Community and Service Exploring the concepts of self, culture and identity. Reflecting on the similarities and differences between my community and other communities around the world The concept of identity in other countries can differ to that of our own country. The culture and environment of a country determines one’s lifestyle. MYP unit question How does my environment and culture affect my self-identity and lifestyle?
Location + Preposition + 有 + Object. Prepositions Pattern A Location + Preposition + 有 + Object. On the table there is a book. 桌子上有书. Pattern B Object + 在 + Location + Preposition. The book is on the table. 书在桌子上.
To learn two new measure words to use when describing furniture. Learning objectives: To learn two new measure words to use when describing furniture.
个 把 张 General measure word Can be used for most nouns, when in doubt use 个
zhāng 张 把 张 Flat objects Bed, table
bǎ 把 Objects with a handle; objects that you hold Chair
听力- Listening – 3 1 - c 2 - g 3 - h 4 - b 5 - d 6 - f 7 - a 8 - e
个 张 把
个 张 把
个 张 把
个 张 把
个 张 把
个 张 把
Finish the sentence: 我的卧室里有。。。 + + +