RED – Client is in the most acute stage of his/her mental health crisis and is receiving a minimum of daily face-to-face contact with the HTT (plus possible additional telephone contact). The client is likely to be under the care of the team for at least a further 2 weeks. In terms of time, it is likely that a client in the red zone would require an average of 2.5 hours input daily.
AMBER - The client remains in an acute phase of his/her mental health crisis and requires alternate day face-to-face contact (plus possible additional telephone contact). The client is likely to be under the care of the team for at least a further 10 days. In terms of time, it is likely that a client in the amber zone would require an average of 1 hours input daily.
GREEN – The crisis is resolving, and the client is receiving less than alternate day face-to-face contact but continues to meet the “4Qs” criteria for home treatment. The client should be given a provisional discharge date within a maximum of the next 5 days to be working towards. This date should be circulated to any teams who will be involved in the aftercare of the client post-discharge, and communication should be made with these teams to ensure that the transfer of care on discharge is safe, effective and timely. In terms of time, it is likely that a client in the green zone would require an average of 30 minutes input daily.
BLUE – The client is a Recovery Team patient who is being jointly worked between the care co-ordinator and the HTT. In terms of time, it is likely that a client in the blue zone would require an average of approximately 30 minutes input daily (2 x 120 minute contacts each week is equivalent to 34 minutes daily).
BLACK – The client is ready for discharge but a delay has occurred BLACK – The client is ready for discharge but a delay has occurred. In terms of time, it is likely that a client in the black zone would require an average of 30 minutes input daily.