HISTORY OF UK 8. World War II. Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130661 Názov projektu: Kvalitou vzdelávania otvárame brány VŠ HISTORY OF UK 8. World War II. Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: VIII.OA Tematický celok: Reálie anglicky hovoriacich krajín Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum: 6/2015
Obsah World War II. (1939-1945) Quick Quiz
World War II. (1939-1945) THE ORIGIN OF WWII. In 1930s the German leader Adolf Hitler occupied Rhineland and Austria – the Europe did nor react Next targets were - Czechoslovakia and region Poland (3.9.1939)- the major powers of Europe react Poland had agreement with Britain, Britain entered the war
World War II. (1939-1945) Winston Churchill Chamberlain was replaced by Winston Churchill When he became a Prime Minister he offered the British people : „nothing but blood, toil, tears and sweat“ but gave in return confidence in eventual victory
World War II. (1939-1945) 5
World War II. (1939-1945)
World War II. (1939-1945) THE BLITZ – THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN - refers to the strategic bombing campaign conducted by the Germans against London and other cities in England from September of 1940 through May of 1941, targeting populated areas, factories and dock yards - Luftwaffe bombers – by accident – dropped the bombs not to military targets but to the centre of London - Prime Minister Winston Churchill, believing it was a deliberate attack, ordered Berlin to be bombed the next evening- the first time bombs had ever fallen on Berlin 7
World War II. (1939-1945) 1) LONDON
World War II. (1939-1945) 2) BERLIN 11
World War II. (1939-1945) THE BLITZ In a speech - Hitler threatened: "...When the British Air Force drops two or three or four thousand kilograms of bombs, then we will in one night drop 150-, 230-, 300- or 400,000 kilograms. The Blitz came to an end as Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe transferred to eastern Europe in preparation for Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the USSR. 12
World War II. (1939-1945) 18,000 tons of high explosives had been dropped on England during eight months of the Blitz. A total of 18,629 men, 16,201 women, and 5,028 children were killed along with 695 unidentified charred bodies. 13 13
World War II. (1939-1945) In June 1941 Germans invaded the Soviet Union – Britain was no longer alone in the war – Operation Barbarossa Operation Barbarossa - was the largest military operation in history – wanted to defeat Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev 14 14 14
15 15 15
World War II. (1939-1945) 7.12.1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbourur the USA entered the war The anti-fascist coalition – the USSR, the USA, Britain, „Big Three“ – Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill 16 16 16 16
World War II. (1939-1945) ANOTHER OPERATIONS Montgomery´s Eight Army defeated Rommel´s Africa Corps – at El Alamein in 1942 B) British + Americans – invasion of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia C) Operation Overlord – June 1944 in Normandy
World War II. (1939-1945)
World War II. (1939-1945) THE END OF THE WORLD WAR - 1945 In Europe On 8 May 1945, the Allies accepted Germany’s surrender, about a week after Adolf Hitler had committed suicide. 8 May 1945 - Winston Churchill announced VE Day – Victory in Europe. B) In Japan 15 August 1945 - Japan surrenders to the Allies V-J Day (Victory in Japan) - Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9 respectively 19
World War II. (1939-1945)
World War II. (1939-1945) LITTLE BOY AND FAT MAN
QUICK QUIZ a) Britain b) Germany c) Japan CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Which country started the WWII. ? a) Britain b) Germany c) Japan 22 22 22
QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER WWII lasted: a) 1938-1945 b) 1939-1945 c) 1939-1945 23 23 23 23
QUICK QUIZ a) Bombarding Britain b) Bombarding London CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What was The Blitz? a) Bombarding Britain b) Bombarding London c) Bombarding USSR 24 24 24 24 24
QUICK QUIZ a) In USSR b) In Japan c) In Britain CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Where was Operation Barbarossa held? a) In USSR b) In Japan c) In Britain 25 25 25 25 25 25
QUICK QUIZ - vi a) Churchill b) Stalin c) Hitler CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Who does not fit into „The Big Three“? a) Churchill b) Stalin c) Hitler 26 26 26 26 26 26
QUICK QUIZ - vi a) Hiroshima b) Nagasaki c) Pearl Harbour CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER The atomic bombs Little Boy and Fat man were not dropped: a) Hiroshima b) Nagasaki c) Pearl Harbour 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
POUŽITÉ ZDROJE http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/modern-world-history-1918-to-1980/causes-of-world-war-two/ http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/timeline/about-blitz.htm http://www.history.co.uk/study-topics/history-of-ww2/barbarossa http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/war/end.html VESELÝ, K.: The English speaking countries – Reálie anglicky mluvícíh zemí. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství 1985. 34-38 s.