Bus Franchise in Dhaka
Countries first ever –Bus route franchise –Digital ticketing system Starts April 14 th, 2009
Franchising Under the franchise system, all existing bus companies with valid permit to operate on this route will run under one company," said Abu Bakkar Md Shahjahan, executive director of the project's supervising agency Dhaka Transport Coordination Board (DTCB).
Route 30 kms Uttara sector 12 (Khalpar) to Plassey (Azimpur) via Sobhanbag, Manik Mia Avenue, Bijoy Sarani, Mohakhali, Khilkhet, Airport and Azampur. A total of 27 up and down stoppages have been selected 40 AC and 60 non-AC buses –20 from BRTC
Study Objective: –Before and after study of bus franchising in Azimpur-Uttara route Tasks: –2 groups of tasks –Task 1: On-board bus –Task 2: At bus stops
Tasks: Before (Gr 1) Person 1 or 2 on-board bus Measure total travel time –Running time –Signal time –Stoppage time in each station Boarding Alighting Other
Tasks: Before (Gr 1) Stoppage details Boarding (number if possible) Alighting ( number if possible) Other –Check competition attitude Nosing Overtaking other buses –Approximate rider ship At least roughly note number of standees or level of crowding
Tasks: Before (Gr 2: in stop) Person 2-3 per stop –Type of bus Large, minibus etc. –Types of services Non-stop, gate-lock, limited-stop, local etc. –Tendency (fully load?) of each type (dwell time) –Measure frequency (1hr)
Tasks: Before (Gr 2: in stop) –Measure dwell time Boarding Alighting Parking (time to reach bus-stop, blocked access) Other (e.g. calling) –Ticket purchase behavior Pre boarding (before bus arrival) Post boarding (after bus arrival)
Tasks: Before (Gr 2: in stop) –Number of Boarding Alighting –Check special phenomena Nosing Overtaking other buses –Approximate rider ship At least roughly note number of standees or level of crowding (before and after if not terminal)
Tasks: After Same set of tasks at –Same location –another typical working-day –same time of day *** try to replicate the conditions of before study as much as possible *** ask me if you have any doubts
Tasks: After Public perception: –Collect feedback from users
Measures of Index Competition –Will explore if there are any significant changes in competitive attitude among buses Reduction of nose forwarding, overtaking etc. –Dwell time Has there been any significant reduction (?) in dwell time? –Components: alighting, boarding, ticket purchasing, other –Effect on Ridership Has there been better utilization of spaces? Has there been significant increase in ridership? –Frequency Has there been better schedule adherence? Any changes in waiting time?