District #15 School Bus Safety Grades K-3 Each district must provide public school pupils enrolled in kindergarten through grade 10 with age-appropriate school bus safety training of the following concepts: transportation by school bus is a privilege and not a right; (slide #15)…..Bus Safety Book: page 3 (2) district policies for student conduct and school bus safety; (slide #2, 24-29)…. Bus Safety Book: page 3, 7-9 (3) appropriate conduct while on the school bus; (slide #11-14)…Bus Safety Book: page 3, 5 (4) the danger zones surrounding a school bus; (slide #4-6)….Bus Safety Book: page 5, 6, 12 (5) procedures for safely boarding and leaving a school bus; (slide #7,8,11,16-19)…. Bus Safety Book: page 4, 5 (6) procedures for safe street or road crossing; and (slide #6,18)…Bus Safety Book: page 6 (7) school bus evacuation. (slide #20-23)…Bus Safety Book: page 6
Know the Bus Rules! RESPECT SELF RESPECT OTHERS RESPECT PROPERTY Stay out of the bus danger zone. When riding the bus, remain seated at all times. RESPECT OTHERS Keep hands, feet and belongings to yourself. Use quiet voices and be courteous. Follow the driver’s instructions. RESPECT PROPERTY Bring only school-approved items on the bus. Be respectful of bus space and equipment. Know the Bus Rules!
Know the Bus Rules! RESPECT SELF RESPECT OTHERS RESPECT PROPERTY Stay out of the bus _____________. When riding the bus, remain s_______ at all times. RESPECT OTHERS Keep h_____, f_____ and b__________ to yourself. Use ________ voices and be courteous. Follow the d___________ instructions. RESPECT PROPERTY Bring only s_________-approved items on the bus. Be respectful of bus s_______ and e_____________. Know the Bus Rules!
Be Safe: Know the Danger Zone! The “danger zone” is all the space within 10 giant steps around the bus.
Be Safe: Know the Danger Zone! The most dangerous areas are close to the tires and right in front of the bus. REMEMBER! The driver can not see you in the “danger zone!”
Be Safe: Know the Danger Zone! Always cross in front of the bus. Wait for the driver to signal. Never enter the “danger zone” to pick up papers, mittens, balls, etc.
Be Safe: Know the Danger Zone! Draw the Danger Zone around this bus. Where are the most dangerous places? How far away from the bus do you need to be?
Be Safe: Waiting for the Bus Dress for the weather Be on time – arrive no more than 10 minutes before the bus arrives Rules for Waiting at the Bus Stop Be on time. Respect others and their property. Stay away from the street, road or highway. Keep safety in mind…no shoving, running or pushing.
Be Safe: Waiting for the Bus Use respectful behaviors: Hands/feet to self Stay away from curb and off the road Use kind words Stay at bus stop Wait for the bus to STOP, then get on. Rules for Waiting at the Bus Stop Be on time. Respect others and their property. Stay away from the street, road or highway. Keep safety in mind…no shoving, running or pushing. Procedure for Boarding A School Bus Line up in single file. Approach the bus only when it has stopped and the driver has opened the door. Don’t push or crowd others. Use the handrail, climb the steps one at a time, and be seated quickly.
Do you know how to be safe riding the bus. Check and see Do you know how to be safe riding the bus? Check and see! Click on the picture…
Do you know how to be safe riding the bus. Check and see Do you know how to be safe riding the bus? Check and see! Click on the picture.
When the door opens, enter the bus one at a time using the handrail. Be Safe: Riding the Bus When the door opens, enter the bus one at a time using the handrail. Procedure for Boarding A School Bus Line up in single file. Approach the bus only when it has stopped and the driver has opened the door. Don’t push or crowd others. Use the handrail, climb the steps one at a time, and be seated quickly. Rules When Riding the Bus Obey the driver’s instructions. Promptly be seated and remain in your seat. Speak quietly and use appropriate language. Keep all parts of your body inside the bus. Keep the bus clean and do not damage it. Do not throw any object. Do not bring weapons/dangerous objects on the bus. The use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs is prohibited. Fighting, harassment, and horseplay are prohibited.
Be Safe: Riding the Bus RESPECT SELF: Go directly to your assigned seat and sit down. Backs to the back, seats to the seat, feet point toward the floor. (Sitting safe.) Keep your body inside the bus. Rules When Riding the Bus Obey the driver’s instructions. Promptly be seated and remain in your seat. Speak quietly and use appropriate language. Keep all parts of your body inside the bus. Keep the bus clean and do not damage it. Do not throw any object. Do not bring weapons/dangerous objects on the bus. The use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs is prohibited. Fighting, harassment, and horseplay are prohibited.
Be Safe: Riding the Bus RESPECT OTHERS: Use a quiet voice Keep hands and feet to self. Keep aisle clear Do not throw anything. Your bus driver is in charge. Rules When Riding the Bus Obey the driver’s instructions. Promptly be seated and remain in your seat. Speak quietly and use appropriate language. Keep all parts of your body inside the bus. Keep the bus clean and do not damage it. Do not throw any object. Do not bring weapons/dangerous objects on the bus. The use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs is prohibited. Fighting, harassment, and horseplay are prohibited.
Be Safe: Riding the Bus RESPECT PROPERTY: Take care of the bus. No eating or drinking on the bus. Animals, weapons, and illegal drugs are not allowed. Do not tamper with bus safety equipment.
REMEMBER: Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. If you want the “right” keep safety in sight!
What is important to REMEMBER? Put the words in the correct order. a not Riding is right a privilege the bus Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right.
Be Safe: Leaving the Bus RESPECT SELF: Stay in your seat until the bus stops. Remember to take everything with you. Exit from front to back.
Be Safe: Leaving the Bus RESPECT OTHERS: Don’t push or crowd. Use the handrail.
Be Safe: Leaving the Bus RESPECT SELF: Quickly exit the “danger zone.” Look both ways and watch for the driver to signal before crossing in front of the bus.
Be Safe: Leaving the Bus RESPECT SELF: When arriving at school, go directly to your assigned area. After school, go directly home or to daycare.
Be Safe: Know Evacuation Procedures There are three different evacuation plans: Using only the front service door Using only the rear (or side) emergency door Using both the service door & the emergency door
Be Safe: Know Evacuation Procedures While Evacuating Be quiet and wait for instruction Be alert, move quickly & leave personal belongings on the bus Keep your feet out of the aisle, go out seat by seat, alternating sides. Duck your head when going out the emergency door.
Be Safe: Know Evacuation Procedures
Be Safe: Know Evacuation Procedures While Evacuating After you are out of the door, move away from the bus as this clears the way for others to follow. Go a distance of at least 100 feet from the bus and remain there in a group until given further instructions by the driver.
Be Safe: Know the Consequences! The school bus has rules and consequences just like our classroom.
Learn about the safety rules as Carmen rides the bus to school! Read about Bus Safety! Carmen Loves the Bus Learn about the safety rules as Carmen rides the bus to school! Click here!
Be Safe: Show what you know about bus safety! Find each symbol on your paper. If the sentence is true, make a happy face. If the sentence is NOT true, make a sad face. Let’s practice. A. Today is a sunny day.
Be Safe: Show what you know about bus safety! If the sentence is true, make a happy face. If the sentence is NOT true, make a sad face. It is OK to play in the street at the bus stop. 2. You should always sit in your seat when you ride the bus. Kindergarten
Be Safe: Show what you know about bus safety! If the sentence is true, make a happy face. If the sentence is NOT true, make a sad face. 3. You should keep your hands and feet to yourself. 4. It is OK to put your hands or head out of the bus window. Kindergarten
Be Safe: Show what you know about bus safety! If the sentence is true, make a happy face. If the sentence is NOT true, make a sad face. 5. You should hurry to be first in line to get off the bus. 6. You should stop and wait for the bus driver to signal before you cross the street. Kindergarten
Be Safe: Show what you know about bus safety! If the sentence is true, make a happy face. If the sentence is NOT true, make a sad face. 7. There are consequences when bus rules are broken. 8. The danger zone in the area close to the bus. Kindergarten
Be Safe: Show what you know about bus safety! If the sentence is true, make a happy face. If the sentence is NOT true, make a sad face. 9. If there is an emergency on the bus, just run out the door. 10. You need to behave on the bus, so you don’t loose the privilege of riding the bus. Kindergarten