“Follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. Matt 4:19 He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish (John 21). If you want to catch fish, get yourself a net.
“Its all about visibility” 2014 – over 1 billion websites worldwide Over 1 million websites active at any point in time 173,000 websites dedicated to the Secular Franciscan Order Top 5 OFS Websites (in order) Wikipedia secularfranciscansoceania.com.au CIOFS National Fraternity of the OFS (USA) National Fraternity of the OFS (UK)
“Its all about contact” Why the website was necessary: OFS contact details could not easily be found in many cities and towns; Local fraternities in some cases, were effectively ‘closed shop’ affairs and access to them was not actively promoted nor expansion encouraged; We knew why we were Secular Franciscans but didn’t talk too much about it to family or friends; OFS members are not well known in their local parish.
“Its all about content” Statistically, the website is made up of the following: 22 menus with an ability to add menus and make them visible or invisible to web browsers; Over 160 resource items; Over 100 web links to other websites, most of which are Franciscan in content; There are approximately 70 Monthly Spiritual Messages; There are over 48 files including Newsletters; There is a list of saints for each day of the year with associated links; There are over 90 images used within the site; Extensive video and audio presentations;
( Logon/ Password) http://secularfranciscansoceania.com.au/_ admin/login.asp?msg=Enter%20your%20u sername%20and%20password%20to%20l ogin.
What is our mission? ”It was also written that this message would be proclaimed in the authority of his name to all the nations,[a] beginning in Jerusalem: ‘There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent” (Luke 24: 47) “I find that it is difficult to guide many Secular Franciscans into an active apostolic way of life. They want prayer, even active participation in the liturgy, they want the spiritual assistance of the friars. But to convince them that living the Gospel necessarily involves being sent out to the world, and to form them to be publicly apostolic has been my most difficult task.” ~ Fr. Carl Schafer, OFM, “Letter to SFO Holy Name Province on the Occasion of their 1986 Congress”.