What Would you Do?.


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Presentation transcript:

What Would you Do?

Please write the following questions on the back of your quiz sheet Please write the following questions on the back of your quiz sheet. Leave a space for your response How do you feel when you hear him say this? 2. What do you decide to do or say? After reading the scenario on the next slide, please respond to the above questions.

What Would you Do? A good friend of yours has seemed troubled lately and has begun to keep more and more to himself. One day you go to see him and he tells you he would like to talk to you about something, but you must promise to keep it a secret. He seems pretty serious and you value your friendship with him so you agree not to tell anyone what he has to say. You talk for a while, and he shares his concerns, and then he tells you that he and everyone else would be better off if he were gone. Then he says, “Sometimes I think I might as well kill myself.” He smiles and shrugs his shoulders when he says it. He then reminds you of your promise not to tell anyone. He says that you are the only person he trusts, and if you tell, he will never forgive you.