My Student Seth Male 5th grade Chronological Age: 12 Mental Age: 10 in math, 10 in writing, 10 comprehension and summarizing Disability: Speech and Language and Specific Learning Disability
Athletes Need to Make the Grade to Play Lesson Objectives: - a student will be able to summarize key points of the article -a student will be able to answer comprehension questions regarding the article -a student will be able to use critical thinking skills to think beyond the text
Athletes Need to Make the Grade to Play Overview Brief introduction of expectations Seth read article to me Comprehension questions and recalling detail Critical thinking questions Discussion throughout Informal assessment
Considerations Read aloud questions for clarification and understanding Repeated slower when needed Allowed reference back to article as often as needed Stopped after first paragraph to summarize and same with second Repeated his answers back to him Connected answers to his life for better understanding More challenging reading piece Allow extra time for answering Oral expression vs written One on One
Performance Student performed very well Oral expression was successful Discussion was successful Reading very fluent and was able to answer questions Was engaged and enjoyed reading about his favorite sport
What I learned… How important accommodations are How to take all aspects of developmental needs into consideration Diagnose for appropriate strategies How to implement actual strategies How informal and quick strategies along with how effective How to read IEP to prepare goals for lesson How to diagnose based on performance..what I would do next time
Modifications/Choices I included Critical thinking questions included WTS #4: the teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student’s development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills. Modifications/Choices I included Critical thinking questions included Combined interest with lesson for engagement and relation to personal life Various strategies used to assist student success (oral, repeating, extra time, etc.) This created a meaningful learning experience for Seth… he was successful!
AEA: Diagnosis Communication with Special Education Teacher on what Seth needs Looked over IEP at a glance Made lesson based on obtained knowledge Informally assessed and focused on what still needs work on Want to assess math and reading skills in future