I can read ! Learning Long Vowels Created by Randy Stark, 1999
Main Menu Examples Find the See it vowels Hear it Review of the Rules he boy like rain boot Review of the Rules
Find the vowels Notice vowels How many? Are they together?
If you can see it you can hear it Double “ee” 2 vowel together Silent “e” at end Odd combinations Single vowels
Examples Long A Long E Long I Long O Long U a-e e i-e o-e u-e ay ee ia oa ui ai ea oo y ow eigh igh ew
Find the Vowels Noticing Vowels Back to Find the Vowels Menu
she Find the vowels. green bike a e i o u y
she Good ! green bike
Find the Vowels Counting Vowels Back to Find the Vowels Menu
trial make sky a e i o u y Can you count how many vowels there are? 1, 2, or 3? make sky a e i o u y
trial …2 make …2 sky … 1
Review this last section Were most made with 1 or 2 vowels? Very interesting! Click anywhere to go on Review this last section
Find the Vowels Are they together? Back to Find the Vowels Menu
Are the vowels together? snail Are the vowels together? Or are they separated? tame train a e i o u y
snail tame train
Are the vowels together? steak Are the vowels together? Or are they separated? meet cute a e i o u y
Let’s look again at the ones that were separated.
Words where the vowels are separated tame cute taste rake rode tape
Words where the vowels are separated tame cute taste rake rode tape
Do you see what I see? Look again.
Words where the vowels are separated tame cute taste rake rode tape
Review this last section Talk about what you discovered. Click anywhere to go on Review this last section
If you can see it you can hear it Double “ee” 2 vowel together Silent “e” at end Odd combinations Single vowels
see Back to See / Hear Menu
Did you see all those “ee”?
The double “ee” makes the long e sound Rule The double “ee” makes the long e sound
If you can see it you can hear it Double “ee” 2 vowel together Silent “e” at end Odd combinations Single vowels
he Back to See / Hear Menu
A single “e” at the end makes the long e sound Rule A single “e” at the end makes the long e sound
More single vowels
A single “y” at the end makes the long i sound Rule A single “y” at the end makes the long i sound
If you can see it you can hear it Double “ee” 2 vowel together Silent “e” at end Odd combinations Single vowels
bike Back to See / Hear Menu
Rule An “e” at the end makes the first vowel long
I say … you are learning quite well. Keep up the good work!
If you can see it you can hear it Double “ee” 2 vowel together Silent “e” at end Odd combinations Single vowels
rain Back to See / Hear Menu
When two vowels are together, the first one makes the long vowel sound Rule When two vowels are together, the first one makes the long vowel sound
Blah When 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the talking!
If you can see it you can hear it Double “ee” 2 vowel together Silent “e” at end Odd combinations Single vowels
food u Back to See / Hear Menu
boot u
The “oo” letters usually Rule The “oo” letters usually make the long u sound
crew u
few u
The “ew” letters at the end usually make the long u sound Rule The “ew” letters at the end usually make the long u sound
light i
might i
Rule “igh” work together to make the long i sound
eight a
weight a
“eigh” work together to Rule “eigh” work together to make the long a sound
low o
slow o
(“w” acts like a second vowel) Rule “ow” work together to make the long o sound (“w” acts like a second vowel)
OK Let’s look at some examples make
Examples Long A Long E Long I Long O Long U a-e e i-e o-e u-e ay ee ia oa ui ai ea oo y ow eigh igh ew
...a..e a Back to Examples
...ay a Back to Examples
...ai... a Back to Examples
..eigh.. a Back to Examples
..e at the end e Back to Examples
..ee.. e Back to Examples
..ea.. e Back to Examples
..i..e i Back to Examples
..ia.. i Back to Examples
..y i Back to Examples
..igh.. i Back to Examples
..o..e o Back to Examples
..oa.. o Back to Examples
..ow at the end o Back to Examples
..u..e u Back to Examples
..ui.. u Back to Examples
suit Back to Examples
..oo.. u Back to Examples
..ue u Back to Examples
..ew u Back to Examples
The Rules Let’s review Go to quiz
The double “ee” makes the long e sound Rule The double “ee” makes the long e sound
A single “e” at the end makes the long e sound Rule A single “e” at the end makes the long e sound
A single “y” at the end makes the long i sound Rule A single “y” at the end makes the long i sound
Rule An “e” at the end makes the first vowel long
When two vowels are together, the first one makes the long vowel sound Rule When two vowels are together, the first one makes the long vowel sound
Blah When 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the talking!
The “oo” letters usually Rule The “oo” letters usually make the long u sound
The “ew” letters at the end usually make the long u sound Rule The “ew” letters at the end usually make the long u sound
Rule “igh” work together to make the long i sound
“eigh” work together to Rule “eigh” work together to make the long a sound
(“w” acts like a second vowel) Rule “ow” work together to make the long o sound (“w” acts like a second vowel)
I know all the rules, do you? Review Rules again
Rule “ee” makes ?
Rule “ee” makes e see
Single “e” at the end makes ? Rule Single “e” at the end makes ?
Rule Single “e” at the end makes e me
Single “y” at the end makes ? Rule Single “y” at the end makes ?
Rule Single “y” at the end makes i cry
“e” at the end makes the first vowel ? Rule “e” at the end makes the first vowel ?
Rule lake cope “e” at the end makes the first vowel long bite cute
Rule “oo” makes ?
Rule “oo” makes u boot
Rule “ew” makes ?
Rule “ew” makes u new
When two vowels are together, what happens? Rule When two vowels are together, what happens?
When two vowels are together, the first one makes the long vowel sound Rule When two vowels are together, the first one makes the long vowel sound rain meat suit dial boat
Blah When 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the talking!
Rule “igh” makes ?
Rule “igh” makes i light
Rule “eigh” makes ?
Rule “eigh” makes a weigh
Rule “ow” makes ?
Rule “ow” makes o flow
Thanks for learning! Back to “The Rules