North Bend School District Bus Safety By Patricia McKenna
Be Respectful on the Bus Use Quiet Voices No Profanity
Disrespectful Behavior Loud talking on the bus
Disrespectful Behavior Changing seats and sitting on the Floor
Disrespectful Behavior Throwing objects on the bus
Respectful Bus Behavior Speaking only to the person beside you
Respectful Bus Behavior Greeting the bus driver when you enter
Be Responsible on the Bus Follow the bus driver’s instructions Keep track of your personal belongings
Irresponsible behavior Littering the bus
Irresponsible Behavior Damaging the bus seats with markers or scissors
Take all of your belongings from the bus Responsible Behavior Take all of your belongings from the bus
Keep all of your personal items in your lap or seat Responsible Behavior Keep all of your personal items in your lap or seat
Be Safe On the Bus Wait in line to enter the bus Keep hands and feet to yourself Stay seated until the driver dismisses you
Changing seats while the bus is in motion Unsafe Behaviors Changing seats while the bus is in motion
Throwing items on the bus Unsafe Behaviors Throwing items on the bus
Students pushing other students out of their seat Unsafe Behaviors Students pushing other students out of their seat
Safe Behaviors Walk to the door
Enter and leave the bus one student at a time Safe Behaviors Enter and leave the bus one student at a time
Watch your step when you are entering and leaving the bus Safe behavior Watch your step when you are entering and leaving the bus
Respect other students personal space Safe Behavior Respect other students personal space
Listen for drivers directions Bus Evacuation Listen for drivers directions
Leave all belongings on the bus Bus Evacuation Leave all belongings on the bus
Bus Poem When you ride the bus to school- Following the rules is cool. Be a friend to all those who ride- Sit in your seat with Hillcrest pride. So let’s make every day a great day- Help the bus driver go on his way. Hillcrest Hound dogs are Safe, Respectable and Responsible bus riders!