Standards Based Grading


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Presentation transcript:

Standards Based Grading

How is it different? Traditional Standards Based Grade for each assignment Grade may accidentally be focused more on one concept than another, e.g. if one concept has a project and another doesn’t Poor performance on one big assignment drastically affects grade Grade for each standard Grade reflects mastery of each learning objectively evenly and independently No one assignment dominates the grade (except the final exam) HW Project Quiz Test 5 20 10 100 4 13 9 85 Obj. 1.1 Obj. 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 10 6 9 8

Types of Standards Content Objectives Science Practices Specific to each unit 60% of grade E.g. student can explain how DNA serves to pass on genetic traits Demonstrated in all units 20% of grade E.g. student can write a proper scientific procedure A traditional final exam comprises the remaining 20% of the grade

How is a grade calculated? Both content & practices have a scale of mastery associated with them You get several chances to show mastery of each objective E.g. exit slip, lab, quiz, test

The Scale Level Level of Mastery Grade /10 Example 4 Exceptional Mastery 10 (100%) Connects to outside knowledge/other topics or goes above and beyond 3 Mastery 9 (90%) Thoroughly demonstrates mastery, can apply knowledge and skills 2 Partial Mastery 8 (80%) Some conceptual understanding or use of skills 1 Minimal Mastery 6 (60%) Recite vocabulary definitions No Mastery <60% No knowledge or nothing turned in

Calculating a Score If last score you receive is the highest, congratulations! That is your score. If last score is not the highest, that score AND the highest score you earned are averaged for your final score. You can re-assess after the unit test if you feel that your score doesn’t reflect your knowledge. This re- assess is the final score and is not averaged.

Example… Content Objective 1.1 Exit Slip 1.1 Quiz 1.1 Unit Exam 1.1 FINAL SCORE Content Objective 1.1 7 9 8 8.5

How Are Assessments Graded? Sometimes the score may be calculated from a single (usually open-ended) response based on the level of mastery demonstrated Or a part of a project or lab for example Typically, each level of mastery will be represented by one or more questions on assessments. These questions may be multiple choice, fill in the blank or free response. Level 4 questions are available on the quizzes and unit tests (not on the exit slip – focus on the basics first!)

Things to Notice You don’t start out with 100% in the class and then “lose points.” Generally your mastery should increase, so your grade should be able to improve throughout each unit. One bad performance can’t drag your grade down- if you demonstrate mastery later the grade isn’t affected. There are no “lab grades” or “test grades.” Rather, ANY assessment is broken up into the objectives or science practices it’s assessing.

Examples Lab Report Unit Exam Written procedure (Science Practice 2) Graphs (Science Practice 5) Conclusion (Science Practice 4) Question 1.1.I (Define terms) Question 1.1.II (MC) Question 1.1.III (Short answer) Question 1.1.IV (Short answer) All content objectives for the unit would be assessed at all 4 levels of mastery on a unit exam!

Benefits of Standards Based Grading Grade reflects your mastery of all objectives You know what you need to work on to improve your grade and are given more direct feedback More opportunities to demonstrate mastery without a bad score harming your grade

Caveats You are expected to show mastery all year, and as such assessments can always include objectives from earlier units You are expected to keep track of your progress on each objective. All data enters the gradebook, but you won’t have access to anything but the current score. If there is a mistake please let me know and bring the work that was incorrectly entered. A 9 is what is expected of you for each objective/science practice. A score above 9 will be difficult to obtain and will require truly exceptional mastery, meaning you are working hard to prepare yourself and make connections between topics and gain deeper understanding.