Relative age:The age of a rock, a fossil or an event compared to the age of another one. Unconformity:rock layers are missing because they were eroded away. Erosional Surface: Surface formed from erosion Subsidence: Gradual caving in or sinking of land Uplift: Features that build up the land (ex. mountain building) Emergence&submergence: CROSS OUT UNIFOMITARIANISM – Processes occurring today occurred in the past and vice versa. This allows us to make inferences about the past. SUPERPOSITION-in UNDISTURBED STRATA, the oldest layer is on the bottom and each layer on top is progressively younger. ORIGINAL HORIZONTALITY-rock layers are always deposited in horizontal layers. If the rocks aren’t then a process changed them.
L.O: students will sequence rock strata (rock layers) in lab. Directions: put this rock outcrop in the correct sequence 1st, 2nd, 3rd……
1. Shale deposition
2. limestone deposition
3. Another shale deposition
4. A Fault in the rock strata
5. Igneous intrusion causing contact metamorphism
6. Unconformity (Erosion of shale)
7. sandstone deposition
8,9, 10 &11. five depositions
12. erosion
Cross Section 1 (Youngest) 1) Conglomerate deposited 2) Limestone deposited 3)Shale deposited 4)Sandstone deposited 5) Erosion of the surface 6)Faulting (Oldest)
Cross Section 2 (Youngest) Conglomerate deposited Sandstone deposited Shale is deposited Igneous intrusion comes through and changes 3rd layer Erosion – Unconformity Limestone is deposited Erosion surface
Cross Section 3 (Youngest) Granite is deposited uncofomity Conglomerate is deposited Sandstone is deposited Shale is deposited Limestone is deposed Tilting occurs Unconformity Erosion surface
Cross Section 4 Limestone is deposited Conglomerate is deposited (Youngest) Limestone is deposited Conglomerate is deposited Sandstone is deposited Folding occurred caused by igneous intrusion Unconformity Shale is deposited Igneous extrusion which changes layer 1 into granite( came up to the surface) Erosion surface (Oldest)