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Presentation transcript:


An Example of Propaganda from the 2015 Election

Learning Goals and Success Criteria Today we are learning about Propaganda and how it was used as a tool during World War Two. Power Point Propaganda First Impressions? What Can We Learn From Propaganda? Propaganda Museum Activity Propaganda Worksheet I understand the roles Propaganda played in World War Two and can think critically about images of Propaganda that I see.

Propaganda First Impressions What do you see in the image? How does the Image make you feel? Can you learn anything from the image?

Propaganda First Impressions What do you see in the image? How does the Image make you feel? Can you learn anything from the image?

Propaganda First Impressions What do you see in the image? How does the Image make you feel? Can you learn anything from the image?

What is Propaganda?

Propaganda Propaganda is a form of advertisement or communication that seeks to promote something.

Characteristics of Propaganda It is often biased or misleading. It is politically motivated (influenced). Propaganda usually appeals to an emotional rather than intellectual response. Can be used to strike fear into people.

Propaganda In Germany Hitler used Propaganda to maintain his power. It was used to strike fear in both enemies and the German people.

Types of Propaganda used by the Alliance Forces War Propaganda Propaganda directed at Canada/ Britain/ America Propaganda directed to men/soldiers Home front Women War bonds Rationing Disney Propaganda

Propaganda directed at Canada/ Britain/ The United States ->Promotes Strength of the Alliance ->The Axis is a common enemy ->Promoting the defeat of the enemy ->Rallying confidence in the Alliance.

Propaganda Directed at Men/Soldiers -> Strength of Soldiers -> Sacrifice -> Guilt to those men who aren’t fighting -> Promoting fighting in the Second World War ->Commissioning men to join the war effort

Propaganda on the Home Front: WOMEN -> Need for women to join the workforce in order to support the war effort ->Need for woman to become nurses ->Need for women to join the forces ->Importance of Women during WWII

Propaganda on the Home Front: WAR BONDS -> War Bond: War bonds are debt securities issued by a government to finance military operations and other expenditure in times of war. -> It is a way for families to donate to the War Effort -> Play off fear

Propaganda on the Home Front: RATIONING -> Rationing: the controlled distribution of scarce resources, goods, or services, or an artificial restriction of demand. ->Guilt and shame for wasting resources

DISNEY PROPAGANDA ->Boost public moral through iconic characters ->Walt Disney also created several short films to support the war effort

What Can We Learn From Propaganda? Political views Social commentary Economic status Cultural insight

How can we Learn From Propaganda? Ask yourself…. Who is the target audience? What is the posters tone (is it positive, fearful, sad)? What is the poster about? What does the poster reveal about it’s topic? How do you think Canadians in WWII would have felt about the poster?

Political Views What does this propaganda poster reveal about Politics? Key Questions to ask yourself Who is the target audience? What is the posters tone (is it positive, fearful, sad)? What is the poster about? What does the poster reveal about it’s topic? How do you think Canadians in WWII would have felt about the poster

Social Commentary What does this propaganda poster reveal about society? Key Questions to ask yourself Who is the target audience? What is the posters tone (is it positive, fearful, sad)? What is the poster about? What does the poster reveal about it’s topic? How do you think Canadians in WWII would have felt about the poster

Economic Status What does this propaganda poster reveal about economy? Key Questions to ask yourself Who is the target audience? What is the posters tone (is it positive, fearful, sad)? What is the poster about? What does the poster reveal about it’s topic? How do you think Canadians in WWII would have felt about the poster

Cultural Insight What does this propaganda poster reveal about culture? Key Questions to ask yourself Who is the target audience? What is the posters tone (is it positive, fearful, sad)? What is the poster about? What does the poster reveal about it’s topic? How do you think Canadians in WWII would have felt about the poster

Propaganda Worksheet & Museum Activity Work in groups with no more then 3 people The worksheet and activity can also be completed individually if you would rather work alone. The Worksheet and activity is located under the section Ms. Howitt in Moodle (scroll to the very bottom) Propaganda Museum Activity Propaganda Worksheet

Propaganda Museum Activity Working individually, in pairs, or in groups of three, your group is responsible for creating an exhibit on Propaganda for the Royal Ontario Museum. Your exhibit must include at least five images of World War Two Propaganda Posters that are joined together by a common theme or focus. For example, your exhibit might be about Women in Propaganda, Funny World War Two Propaganda, or German Propaganda. Then your group must complete the questions about what your exhibit hopes to accomplish for guests. Remember to insert the five posters you plan on including in the exhibit.

Propaganda Worksheet Working individually, in pairs, or in groups of three complete the worksheet by using you're key questions to analyse the given propaganda posters.