Welcome to 6th Grade! Mr. Murray Math.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to 6th Grade! Mr. Murray Math

Mr. Murray 6th Grade Math Starting my 20th year of teaching 16th year of teaching sixth grade Married and I have three daughters Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies from Chico State Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from Cal State, San Marcos Master of Teaching with an emphasis in Best Practices.

Discipline Warning/Discussion about the behavior Call/Email home Loss of break or lunch Parent conference Referral

Class Rules Arrive to class on time Follow directions the first time Show respect to everyone Stay in your set/If you need to get up ask permission Complete your assignments Turn off phones during class

Daily Schedule 8:00-8:16 Advisement 8:18-9:03 Period 1 9:50-10:00 Break 10:03-10:48 Period 3 10:50-11:35 Period 4 11:35-12:10 Lunch 12:13-12:58 Period 5 1:00-1:45 Period 6  

Monday Flag first thing in the morning Mondays Monday Flag first thing in the morning Back to advisement class to take roll PE with the district PE teacher

PE will be during first period Wednesday PE will be during first period

Off Limits My desk My computer The cabinets (unless given permission) The Elmo The LCD projector The file cabinets My bookshelves

When you enter this classroom… You wait outside in a single file line I will come out and let you inside the room You are to walk in quietly and take out your binder reminder and copy down what it says on the screen. When finished writing in the binder, follow the directions of what to do next. Do not ask me questions! Do not bring in sugar drinks like Gator Ade. Do not have gum in your mouth. Eat your snacks outside. You may bring a bottle of water with you into the room.

When the period is over I dismiss you. You DO NOT get up and leave. I will dismiss individuals or groups when their area is cleaned up and all your personal items are with you. Clean up the floor around you. DO NOT leave your personal items in the room.

Restroom No bathroom breaks during the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class. If you do need to use the restroom, please ask permission first. Take the bathroom pass which is the clipboard on the fire extinguisher and sign your name on the bathroom log. Hurry up and go and get back here fast! Constant use of the restroom during instructional time will result in the loss of this privilege.

Electronics Phones are to be turned off during class. DO NOT text DO NOT go on Instagram, Facebook, Snap Chat or any other app that you can think of. You will be given one warning about your phone and then I will confiscate it and your parent will need to come pick it up. I will however, let you listen to music while you are working on independent work. We will be going over these rules at a later time.

What you will be graded on in math and science Assessments 40 Assignments 30% Interactive Notebooks 30%

Math Textbook You will be given a green math textbook. This book needs to go home and you need to keep it there. It does not come to school with you unless I tell you otherwise!

Science textbook You will also be checking out an orange science textbook. This book needs to be with you at all times. I will let you keep this book in the classroom when you don’t need it for homework.

Math and science Assessments You will have quizzes after every few sections. You will have tests after each chapter. Assessments are 40% of your grade.

Math Assignments You will have an assignment every night. You won’t be given assignments on the weekends. It is very important that you get ALL of the assignment finished. They are worth 10 points. I will always go over it with you. You need to make an effort.

Science assignments From time to time, you will have science homework, but the majority of what we do in science, will be completed in class.

Attendance/participation It is very important that you are here everyday. It is very important that when you are here that you are participating in what we are doing in class. You are responsible for checking my web page when you are absent and completing the Activities and Lesson assignments.

Grading scale A 100% - 90% B 89% - 80% C 79% - 70% D 69% - 60% F 59% or below

Late work Late work is accepted but it will only be worth half credit. After two weeks, if the assignment has not been turned in then it is zero and you will not be able to turn in it in.

Jupiter Grades You and your parents will be given a user name and password to log into Jupiter Grades. You can check your grades whenever you want. More to come later

Supplies needed this year Three-ring binder 2 spiral notebooks 8 ½ x 11 college ruled paper Pencils- Assignments in pen will not be accepted. Mechanical pencils are fine. A personal pencil sharpener Pens for science and for checking homework in math Colored pencils Scissors Glue stick A roll of tape Ruler A calculator

Copy paper If everyone could bring in one ream of copy paper I would greatly appreciate it.

My web page http://rre.leusd.k12.c a.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=617028&type=u&pREC_ID=975096

Are there any questions?

Raise your hand if you think you are in elementary school?

What do I expect you to know this year?