Harrison School District 2: Curriculum in Galileo


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Presentation transcript:

Harrison School District 2: Curriculum in Galileo

CONTENTS All Unit Plans: Stage 1 Stage 1: Desired Results All Unit Plans: Stage 2 and Stage 3 Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Stage 3: Learning Plan Performance Tasks Learning Plan Unit Standards All Unit Plans: Yearlong Documents Year at a Glance Pacing Calendar Scope and Sequence Vertical Articulation Math Specific Documents Eureka Module Teacher Edition Omitted Eureka Lessons Vocabulary Content Elaboration Content Emphasis by Cluster Performance Level Descriptors Sample CRs PARCC Informational Guide RWC Specific Documents: Stage 1 Anchor Text Writing Task Interactive Read Aloud Resource Guide RWC High Frequency Words Roots and Affixes Workstation Resource RWC Thinking Maps K-8 ELA Standards Annotated Writing Rubrics PARCC Blueprints PARCC Item Map Elem PARCC Exemplar Writing Content Elaboration Science / Social Studies Specific Resources CMAS Assessment Framework Art Specific Documents K-5 Art Vertical Concepts College and Career Readiness Documents ASCA Mindsets Behaviors-CCR Mindsets Program Planning Tool Extended Evidence Outcomes Documents Scope and Sequence with EEOs

ALL UNIT PLANS: STAGE 1, 2 AND 3 Name: Stage 1: Desired Results Location: Stage 1 Description: Lists the Standards, Enduring Understandings, Essential Questions, Key Knowledge and Key Skills for each unit Name: Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Location: Stage 2 and Stage 3 Description: Lists assessment evidence for the unit. Includes possible performance tasks Name: Stage 3: Learning Plan Location: Stage 2 and Stage 3 Description: Includes lesson plans and resources to use when teaching the lesson ALL UNIT PLANS: STAGE 1, 2 AND 3

ALL UNIT PLANS: STAGE 2 AND 3 Name: Performance Task Location: Stage 2 Description: Possible assessment tasks for students to complete at the end of the unit to assess ability to transfer knowledge to a new situation. Can be edited. Name: Lesson Sequencer Location: Stage 3 Description: Takes the standards in the unit and breaks them down to objectives and DOLs for each day. Can be edited Name: Unit Standards Location: Stage 3 Description: Printable standards to post in the classroom ALL UNIT PLANS: STAGE 2 AND 3

ALL UNIT PLANS: YEARLONG DOCUMENTS Name: Year at a Glance Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Shows where each standard is taught throughout the course of the year Name: Pacing Calendar Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Shows each unit on a yearlong calendar. Includes cutoff day for CBM material Name: Vertical Articulation Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Shows each standards broken down from High School to Kindergarten based on what needs to be mastered each year. Shows what students should know and what they will need to know in the upcoming year Name: Scope and Sequence Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Shows big picture of each unit including the Evidence Outcomes and Enduring Understandings ALL UNIT PLANS: YEARLONG DOCUMENTS

MATH SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS Name: Eureka Module Teacher Edition Location: Math Eureka Modules- Teacher Edition K-5 Description: Copy of Printed Module Name: Omitted Eureka Lessons Location: Yearlong Documents K-5 Description: Lessons teachers should skip when teaching Eureka in order to complete the entire curriculum in the given year Name: Content Elaboration Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Explains each group of standards more thoroughly Name: Vocabulary Location: Stage 1 Resources K-5 Description: Vocabulary terms, definitions and pictures for each unit. Can be edited and added to. MATH SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS

MATH SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS Name: Content Emphasis by Cluster Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Lists math standards as Major Emphasis, Supporting Emphasis and Additional Emphasis Name: Performance Level Descriptors Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Lists mastery of each PARCC sub claim at each of the performance levels Name: PARCC Informational Guide Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Guide to PARCC math assessment. Includes claims document, task types, blueprints, evidence statements and assessment policies. Name: Sample CRs Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Sample Constructed Response questions and rubrics MATH SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS

RWC SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS Name: Stage 1 Location: Stage 1 Description: The curriculum for RWC in an easily printable format. Name: Anchor Text Writing Task Location: Stage 2 Description: PARCC like writing text for district provided anchor text. Name: K- 8 Roots and Affixes by Grade Level Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Greek and Latin Affixes to be taught at each grade level Name: K-5 Interactive Read Aloud Resource Guide Location: Stage 3 Description: Possible questions to use when doing an interactive read aloud of unit anchor texts. RWC SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS

RWC SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS Name: RWC Thinking Maps K-5 Location: Yearlong Documents Description: A resource on using thinking maps to teach reading. Name: Workstation Resource K-5 Location: Yearlong Documents Description: A resource on using workstations to teach reading. Name: K-5, 6-8 ELA Standards Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Shows the progression of each standard across the grade levels. Shows what a student should already know and what they will do to do next. Name: K-8 Rubric (Narrative, Explanatory, Opinion) Location: Yearlong Documents Description: District rubric to story Prose Constructed Response. Based on PARCC’s PCR rubric. Name: Annotated Writing Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Pulled from CCSS document. Shows examples of students meeting the writing standards at each grade level with annotations. RWC SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS

RWC SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS Name: PARCC Item Map Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Gives possible topics and standards for PARCC ELA Tasks. Name: PARCC Blueprints Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Blueprints and points for PARCC ELA assessment. Name: Content Elaboration Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Explains each group of standards more thoroughly Name: Elem PARCC Exemplar Writing Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Examples of writing and scores from released PARCC assessments RWC SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS

SCIENCE/ SOCIAL STUDIES SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS ART SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS Name: CMAS Assessment Framework Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Shows CMAS assessed standards and percentage of assessment by topic Name: K-5 Art Vertical Concepts Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Shows vocabulary, materials, etc across the elementary grades Name: Lab Safety Contract Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Parent and Student contract for behaviors in a lab setting. SCIENCE/ SOCIAL STUDIES SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS ART SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS

EXTENDED EVIDENCE OUTCOMES DOCUMENTS Name: ASCA Mindsets Behaviors-CCR Location: Yearlong Documents Description: General information about the curriculum Name: Scope and Sequence with EEOs Location: Library: G0K-8 Math/ELA Extended Evidence Outcomes Scope and Sequence Description: Scope and Sequence for students who qualify for Extended Evidence Outcomes Name: Mindsets Program Planning Tool Location: Yearlong Documents Description: Tool to use in planning the counseling curriculum Grade 4 COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS DOCUMENTS EXTENDED EVIDENCE OUTCOMES DOCUMENTS