Huck Finn Chapters 5-7
Quiz! Five-question quiz for each reading assignment Three correct answers = no homework check
1. The new judge in town wants to give Pap a chance to prove he can change, so he brings Pap into his own home. Pap, of course, says all the right things, but then goes into town that night, trades his new jacket for booze, and gets roaring drunk. Explain how Pap’s left arm was broken in two places While drunk, he fell off the porch-roof at the judge’s house.
2. Physically describe Pap. About fifty, long greasy hair, “fish-belly white” skin, wearing rags.
3. Pap kidnaps Huck. Where does he take him? To a remote cabin on the other side of the Mississippi River, about three miles north of St. Petersburg.
4. Describe the fake crime scene. First, puts food, cookware, and everything else of value from the cabin into the canoe. Covers up the hole he cut in the wall and shoots a wild pig outside. Smashes the cabin door with an ax Cuts the pig’s throat so it bleeds onto the cabin’s dirt floor Ransacks the cabin to make it seem as if robbers have broken in and killed him.
5. Late in the chapter, Huck has escaped 5. Late in the chapter, Huck has escaped. Name the island where Huck is now hiding. Jackson’s Island
Week 8 Schedule Tuesday: Vocabulary Exam Wednesday: Chapters 8-10 due Thursday: Chapters 11-12 due Friday: Chapters 13-15 due
Expert theme groups You have class time to work in your expert theme groups.