Tackling CV Risk in T2DM
T2DM as a Risk Factor for CVD
Close Linkage Between T2DM and HF
December 2008 FDA Guidance on Evaluating CV Risk in New Antidiabetic Therapies for T2DM
DPP-4 Inhibitors: Topline Clinical Trial Results
EMPA-REG Primary Outcome (3-Point MACE): CV Death, Nonfatal MI, or Nonfatal Stroke
EMPA-REG: Results for CV Death
EMPA-REG: Hospitalization for HF
EMPA-REG Microvascular Outcomes: Renal Protection
Why Did the DPP-4 CV Outcome Trials Conflict With Epidemiology-Based Expectations?
DPP-4 Inhibitors: CV Meta-Analyses Results
Results of SGLT2i Meta-Analysis
Potential Mechanisms for CV Benefit Associated With Empagliflozin
CV Benefit Associated With RAS Blockade
SGLT2 Inhibitors and Reduced Volume Overload
Potential Pathways Linking SGLT2 Inhibitors and Reduced Risk of Hospitalization for HF
SGLT2 Inhibitors: Kidney Damage and Other AEs
LEADER: Baseline Characteristics
LEADER: Primary Outcome Liraglutide vs Placebo
What Explains the Macro- and Microvascular Improvements Observed in LEADER?
GLP-1 RAs and Cardiac Function
LEADER: Time to First Renal Event -- Macroalbuminuria, Doubling of Serum Creatinine, ESRD, Renal Death
Intensive Glycemic Control Increased All-Cause Mortality (ACCORD)
LEADER: AEs Leading to Treatment Discontinuation
SUSTAIN-6 (Semaglutide): Primary Outcome Results
EMPA-REG Outcomes: Class Effect or Agent Specific?
EMPA-REG and LEADER Results and Treatment Guidelines
Summary and Conclusions
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)