Male Organ Bumps: A Guide for Women


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Bumps: A Guide for Women

Men are so used to looking down and seeing their member hanging there that they can forget that their favorite piece of equipment may hold some surprises to the women in their lives. Although men care great deal about both manhood appearance and male organ health, there are some things which women might be curious or alarmed about that a man might simply shrug off. For example, male organ bumps. Guys know that sometimes they’re just there and sometimes they’re cause for concern – and this guide can help women know a little about when to be concerned.

All kinds of male organ bumps Male organ bumps come in a variety of shapes, sizes and causes. These include: Hirsuties coronae glandis. Sometimes called PPP, hirsuties coronae glandis are tiny little bumps – usually white, pink or vaguely translucent – that can form around the male member head, usually around the ridge. They frequently form in a single or double row. The good news is that they are totally benign and are not contagious. Doctors don’t know why some guys have them and some don’t – but they are nothing to be concerned about.

Fordyce spots. Another benign form of male organ bumps, Fordyce spots can be found on both the shaft of the member and on the sacks. These pale little spots are actually visible sebaceous glands, which are used to transport lubricating oils to the skin. They are extremely common, with something like three-quarters of men sporting them. Again, they are harmless and also not contagious. Male organ warts. These unattractive male organ bumps tend to have a cauliflower-like appearance. Most of them are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a virus found in many, many people. In some people, the warts eventually heal naturally; in other cases, treatment is needed. Seeing a doctor is suggested, as in some cases, HPV can have serious consequences. HPV is easily spread through sensual contact, so partners should discuss this matter with a knowledgeable health practitioner

Scabies. Scabies are very tiny mites which can cause red male organ bumps to appear if they infest the manhood area. They are also easily spread through sensual engagement. Prescription medication is generally required to cure scabies.

Syphilis. As male organ bumps go, those caused by syphilis are the ones that many find scariest – and with good reason. Syphilis is one of the most noted social diseases. The first warning sign of syphilis is usually a chancre sore or sores – which could appear as male organ bumps if that is where the infection entered the body. A rash may later appear, as well as in some cases wart-like bumps. This can be accompanied by fatigue, hair loss, soreness in the muscles, fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. In its final stages, syphilis can bring about widespread damage – to the nerves, brain, heart, eyes, liver and joints. Syphilis can definitely be spread through sensual contact, so receiving prompt treatment is required.

Women can feel more comfortable about male organ bumps if they know their cause. They can also help men keep a better eye on their health and encourage them to daily apply a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). They may even want to help them pick out the preferred crème. If that is the case, the crème should definitely contain a wide range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D, and E. Topical application of these vitamins via crème enables them to more directly favor the manhood. The ideal crème will also include L-carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient prized for its ability to help maintain proper manhood sensitivity, even when the male organ endures rough handling.Man 1 Man Oil