2 Months: 3 Drivers How can you protect yourself?
Western NY bus driver killed by bus 23 year veteran driver Bus yard -- December :12 am -- dark mph winds Heavy rain Walking head down protecting herself from wind Bus mechanic driving bus between lots
Déjà vu 2002 PDS 1.A driver trainer walking to her bus was struck and killed by a backing school bus Sunny early afternoon – 1 bus moving on lot 2.An substitute attendant was struck and critically injured walking to bus. Striking bus was pulling away from pumps It happened in the morning semi-darkness
Central NY driver falls from bus 5 year veteran driver January bus zone Drivers meeting on one bus at school bus zone before dismissal Driver drives around circle to pick up paperwork at another bus Driver standing in stairwell fell through doors Struck head on pavement -- fatal injury
Déjà vu 1996 PDS Bus deadheading after run Attendant is in the front of bus talking to the driver Collision, bus rolls Unbelted attendant ejected and killed
Capital Region Driver Attack December 2007 Clear skies, clear roads Buick sedan school bus Returning from private school pickup -- 1 student Bus driver reportedly has a heart attack/seizure crosses centerline Head-on crash Bus driver ejected and killed -- seat belt?
Déjà vu Heart Attacks, etc Driver loses consciousness (picture) & 1995 PDS, 2 and 1 drivers die of heart attacks while driving students 2000 PDS driver with heart medication issues misses stop sign injuries 1990 PDS Driver loses consciousness – 2 student fatalities