Part 2 Pages 346-351 The Spanish-American War Chapter 10 Part 2 Pages 346-351 The Spanish-American War
Terms to know Jose Marti Valeriano Weyler Yellow Journalism George Dewey Rough Riders San Juan Hill Treaty of Paris
Cuba 90 miles South of Florida President Pierce tried to buy Cuba from Spain Spain refused Jose Marti A Cuban Revolutionary who fought for Cuban independence from Spain Several Cuban rebellions 1868-78
Jose Marti Poet, Journalist living in exile in US Started a final rebellion Cubans decided to trash the Island hoping the Spanish would loose interest and give up and go home Instead the Spanish sent General Weyler!
General Weyler…The Butcher! Weyler rounded up all women, children, old folks in Cuba and put them in outdoor concentration camps Then he told the Cuban men that if they wanted their loved ones to eat, the men had better get busy and rebuild the island
American Reaction Newspapers owned by Pulitzer and Hearst…sensationalized what was going on in Cuba American businessmen in Cuba wanted the US to get involved on Spain’s side to protect their businesses Most others sympathized with the Cuban people
Yellow Journalism Hearst to an illustrater headed for Cuba: You supply the pictures, I will supply the war. The U.S. Sent The Maine to Havanna Harbor to protect American interests there
The DeLome Letter Was sent by a Spanish minister in the U.S. to Spain and called McKinley weak. It was insulting (early in 1898) The letter was confiscated and handed over to the American press Americans were insulted and outraged
The Maine February 1898 The Maine exploded in Havanna Harbor. The Press: Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain! Americans called for war
Did Spain Do It? McKinley did not thinks so BUT his party was calling for war. Teddy Roosevelt was Assistant Sec. of the Navy He sent George Dewey with an American Fleet to Manila Bay in the Philippines (another Spanish colony)
The Rough Riders Then Teddy Roosevelt resigned as Sec. of the Navy and joined the Rough Riders The Rough Riders was the first U.S. volunteer cavalry. They were sent to Cuba The Battle of San Juan Hill…victory for the U. S. and made Teddy Roosevelt a war hero
The war was over in 5 months John Hay (Sec of State for McKinly) called it a splendid little war Treaty: The Treaty of Paris U.S. Got Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines Spain was paid $20 million Will lead to debate on Imperialism later