ELEMENTARY TECH Dr. Jami Woychesin Director of Technology jwoychesin@pilotpointisd.com
What are we here?
1:1 Technology initiative What is a 1:1 technology initiative? “An environment in which all students use computing devices, such as wireless laptops or tablets, in order to learn anytime and anywhere” -(1:1 Computing, A Guidebook to Help You Make the Right Decisions) Removes the brick and mortar classroom restrictions in learning. Implementation of 1:1 initiatives must focus on Improving teaching and student learning Providing quality instruction Using technology to enhance the pedagogy
Initiative Purpose This program addresses the need for students to use technology in their everyday learning environment through a 1:1 laptop initiative. PPISD plans to prepare students for the 21st Century through the expansion of technology and training for students and faculty. Initiative affords students the opportunity to learn in a “real-world” setting seeking answers to a global problem. Students afforded opportunity to take ownership of their learning while concertedly problem solving and thinking independently preparing for challenges they may find in the 21st Century workforce.
Why are we here?
How can we help you?
How can we help you?
What Is Included In Google Apps?
Making Google Search Work For You
The differences between a Google Apps account and Gmail Account The Account The differences between a Google Apps account and Gmail Account Google Account Gmail Account Google Account using an email address as a login. Google Account using an email address as a login. Borrowed From Kern Kelley - http://sites.google.com/site/gtaresources/events/2010-07-29/apps
Automatic Backup Why Google Apps for Education? Borrowed From Kern Kelley - http://sites.google.com/site/gtaresources/events/2010-07-29/apps
What Is Included In Google Apps? Sites (Webpages) Docs Calendar Gmail Docs Calendar Gmail (E-mail) Google Talk (Communications Suite)
Collaboration Why Google Apps for Education? Borrowed From Kern Kelley - http://sites.google.com/site/gtaresources/events/2010-07-29/apps
PlanbookEdu Copies plans Moves plans Keeps track of TEKS Manually enter ELA standards Shares plans Submit plans to administration Create a template Share with Google Calendar Collaborate with Team Members Integrates with Google Classroom
How do we teach/learn?
Learning & Teaching Synchronously
Interactive Learning
Deep Thoughts