A Small Town Kept Walmart Out. Now It Faces Amazon A Small Town Kept Walmart Out. Now It Faces Amazon. How can local businesses compete with a company so local it lets people shop from their couches? The Atlantic—March 2, 2018 https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2018/03/amazon-local- retail/554681/
Boeing Is Killing It by Squeezing Its Suppliers Under CEO Dennis Muilenburg, the industrial giant has turned unapologetically hard-nosed.—Bloomberg Business Week, February 14, 2018 Under Dennis Muilenburg, who took over as chief executive officer in 2015, Boeing has turned unapologetically hard-nosed. Even amid the greatest sales boom in aviation history, he’s insisting suppliers cut prices—while he angles to take over their most lucrative repair and maintenance work. This cost initiative is called Partnering for Success; some of its targets call it Pilfering from Suppliers. “While it has some tough edges,” Muilenburg said in October, discussing Partnering for Success in his office in Boeing’s Chicago headquarters, “it is making our supply chain better, and 90 percent of our supply chain sees that.”