Shining like the stars forever Daniel 12 Shining like the stars forever
Chapter 12:1 “Time of trouble” – a reference to the test that is to come before the world that is described in Revelation 13 Michael will deliver those that are in the “book of life”
Verse 2 Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting death – the resurrection and judgment
Verse 3 Will shine like the stars forever
Daniel 12:4-9 Daniel talks with the men that were seen by John with an “open book” (Rev. 10) – here they tell him to “seal” the book for it is for the “time of the end” When would Daniel be understood? About 1800 (1798-1844) Answer will be in Revelation 10!
Daniel 12:10 Chiasm – the wise will read Daniel and understand it and “purify themselves” Wicked might read, but won’t understand it and will continue to do wickedly
1290 days “From the time that the daily is taken away and the abomination is set up” 508 AD – the year that Clovis, king of the Franks, accepted Catholicism 508 + 1290 = 1798 Dan. 8:12, 11:31 “forces” would be gathered to attack the “tamid”
"With the conversion of Clovis, there was at least one barbarian leader with whom the Bishop of Rome could negotiate as with a faithful son of the Church. It is from the orthodox Gregory of Tours that most of our knowledge of Clovis and his successors is derived. In Gregory's famous History of the Franks, the cruel and unscrupulous king appears as God's chosen instrument for the extension of the Catholic faith. Certainly Clovis quickly learned to combine his own interests with those of the Church, and the alliance between the pope and the Frankish kings was destined to have a great influence upon the history of western Europe." (James Harvey Robinson, History of Western Europe, pp. 35, 36.)
The Armies of Christianity These lusty barbarians were not oppressed by any deep sense of sin and the consequent need of redemption. They required rather to be ruled and defended. The saints, with their particular assignments, may well have meant more to the People than Christ, the universal Redeemer. St. Anthony took care of their pigs, St. Saturninus took care of their sheep, St. Gall looked after the hens, and St. Medardus protected their vines from frost. ...St. Genevieve cured fever, and St. Blaise sore throats.. St. Aimable prevented nightmares."(Roland Bainton "Christendom" p.149)
1335 days 508 + 1335 = 1843 This was to the end of the time period before the heavenly sanctuary ministry would be understood It is a blessing to understand this message
Daniel 12:13 Daniel had done his work – he could go and rest now until the resurrection!