Introducing of new technologies, new approaches and methodology during the Population and Housing Census 2011 in Latvia Peteris Vegis Deputy Director Social Statistics Department Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia ESTAT WG PHC meeting 19 May 2015
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Technological innovations 3. Innovations in the organisation of the Census 4. Use of administrative data 5. Conclusions 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Introduction New Census technologies: - an automatic system for the calculation of borders for Census enumeration areas based on GIS; - CAWI and CAPI; - data transfer to the CSB by wireless Internet. New approaches as regards Census organisation: - outsourcing of the field work; - a possibility of self-completion of Census forms via Internet; - outsourcing of the advertising campaign. Use of registers and other administrative data sources: - Preparation of the task lists for enumerators; - Data quality control and editing; - Criteria to recognize a person as the usual resident. Census date – 1st of March 2011. Census duration from 1st of March up to 10th of June 2011. 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Technological innovations An automatic system for the calculation of borders for Census enumeration areas based on GIS Census areas with a certain enumerator’s workload depending on the population density; GIS tools and cartographic information of the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency (LGIA) used. Computer based electronic questionnaires ISDMS-CASIS software (originally built for business statistics) improved; Two versions of the electronic questionnaire worked out – CAWI and CAPI; Data validations during data entry, some basic logics, use of electronic versions of classifications (occupation, industry, country, ethnicity, language etc.). Data transfer to the CSB Census data base by wireless Internet Enumerators: urban areas – at least twice a week, rural areas – at least once a week; Public library free information system, free access in gasoline stations, mobile network Internet access. 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Innovations in the organization of the Census Self-completion of Census forms via Internet 12 days at the beginning and 10 days after the fieldwork; Access via banner on webpage of the CSB of Latvia that provided link to the special Census webpage; Authorisation was organised via Internet banking authentication systems of the biggest banks in Latvia; Result: Data on 32% of persons, 17% of housing units provided. Distribution of respondents by age and by education, % 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Innovations in the organization of the Census Reduction of the workload for Census enumerators Two additional questions in the Internet questionnaire: is this questionnaire filled for all household members? does members of any other household are living in the same housing unit? Outsourcing of the fieldwork „GfK Custom Research Baltic” Ltd. (specialised in marketing and social research) activities: - Professional selection of enumerators (subcontractor) and supervisors and training for enumerators with a support from the CSB; - Bookkeeping and organisation of the work of enumerators, supervisors and regional coordinators (own computerised system to follow the field work); - Co-ordination board with the representatives of management teams from the GfK and the CSB (weekly meetings, 13 Interim and the Final Report prepared by the GfK). - Quality controllers who did quality checking in accordance with a guidance from the CSB in all 1960 Census areas (26thsd questionnaires, in average 3% for each enumerator). Result - data collected on 83% of persons and 97% of dwellings included in the enumerators’ task lists (minimum threshold stated in the contract - 80% of the population and 95% of dwellings). During four days after the Census Internet stage the CSB of Latvia took out from the enumerators’ task lists addresses, where all household members had been enumerated via Internet and there were no members of other households living in the same dwelling. It was possible because two additional questions were included in the Internet questionnaire: (a) is this questionnaire filled for all household members and (b) does members of any other household are living in the same housing unit. 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Innovations in the organization of the Census Advertising campaign It was outsourced to the creative agency (preparation) and the media agency (distribution). A letter and a booklet was sent to each private housing unit (outsourced to the Post of Latvia). Integrated advertising campaign (before and during the Census) mainly in television and radio, but also on the Internet and in press (including regional), as well as outdoor advertisement and activities of the public relations; Informative CSB telephone line 80000777 (free of charge) and e-mail address Almost 22thsd incoming calls in total, during the first 12 days more than thousand calls daily. The Census highlights published also on the CSB webpage. The website included written and video instructions on how to fill in the questionnaires. Analysis of the received e-mails and calls led to the development of the section “FAQ” on the webpage. Rapid response team with experts from the CSB and the creative agency. 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Use of registers and other administrative data sources PHC2000 – Population Register (PR) PHC2011 – PR, State address Register (SAR), State Real Estate Cadastre Information System (SREC IS), Taxpayers’ Register of the State Revenue Service (SRS) etc. Information from the PR, the State Address Register and SREC IS was used during the preparation stage for the Census (task lists for enumerators). Data quality control was made by comparing the Census data with administrative data from PR , SRS and SREC IS. The coding of the branch of economic activity and occupation was checked by comparing Census data with the information from the SRS and the Statistical Enterprise Register of the CSB of Latvia. 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Use of registers and other administrative data sources Criteria to recognize a person as the usual resident Reason: due to various reasons, e.g., non-response, unmet respondents or enumerators’ mistakes, unregistered emigration etc., during the Census it was not possible to obtain information on all persons registered with the PR. Administrative data used (from 1 March 2010 till 28 February 2011 ): Tax payer /self-employed; Medical service paid by the state; Pensions received; Work allowance for unemployed; School attendance; Unemployed; State social allowance; Allowance received from municipalities. 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Use of registers and other administrative data sources Criteria to recognize a person as the usual resident (continued) A person aged 0 – 17 should be included in the resident population of Latvia, if he/she has been registered with the pension data, data about medical services, local government data or data on school attendance. A person aged 18 – 61 should be included in the resident population of Latvia, if he/she has been registered with the SRS employees’ data bases for at least two months or with the medical service at least twice, or with other registers used or administrative SRS self-employed data base or local government data base at least once. A person aged 62 and over should be included in the resident population of Latvia, if he/she has been registered with the pension or social service data, data about medical services or local government data. 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Conclusions PHC2011 gave a possibility to introduce technological as well as organizational innovations that could be used in other statistical areas afterwards. For example, ISDMS CASIS is used now in data collection and processing for regular surveys of social statistics. Outsourcing of the Census fieldwork was a good practice and in future such co-operation with social research companies could be continued. Methodology on criteria to recognize a person as the usual resident was further developed into the method with the aim to split the population of persons registered with the Latvia Population Register into two classes (groups) – persons actually living in Latvia (resident population of Latvia) and persons actually living abroad. The statistical classification model has been developed with the help of logistic regression analysis to improve quality of annual population and external migration estimations. A vision for the PHC2021 in Latvia - Census taking, with all information derived from administrative records and other databases, moving away from population surveys on the Internet or at their homes. Preparation work is started in 2012. 19th May 2015 ESTAT PHC WG meeting
Thank you for your attention! ESTAT PHC WG meeting, 19th May 2015