Some helpful definitions Somatic cell any cell forming the body of an organism diploid Germ cell gametes – sperm and ova haploid Sexual reproduction the creation of offspring from two parents results in a unique combination of genes inherited from the mother and the father consists of two phases – mitosis and fertilization
Human Genome
More helpful definitions Diploid two copies are present of each chromosome each chromosome has its homologous partner present somatic cells are diploid 2n = 46 (humans) Haploid One copy of each chromosome present Germ cells are haploid n = 23 (humans) Autosome Non-sex chromosome Chromosomes 1-22
Meiosis The process that transforms 1 diploid cell into 4 haploid cells First described in sea urchin eggs Required for sexual reproduction: Keeps the chromosome number the same after fertilization Introduces genetic variation through recombination