“From Sea to Shining Sea” Manifest Destiny “From Sea to Shining Sea”
United States (1789): American Revolution American Revolution started due to King George III taxes on the Colonists. With the help of the French, colonists were able to win territories of the colonies and the Ohio River Valley. Became the United States in 1789 with the ratification of the Articles of Confederation and eventually the United States Contitution.
Louisiana Purchase “A Noble Bargain” Purchased from France Purchase Price: $15 million because Napoleon Bonaparte needed to pay back his countries national debt. Doubled the size of the United States Gave United States control of Mississippi River
Florida Cession (1819) “Govern or Get Out” Spain sold Florida to the United States for $5 million Lands included : Florida and parts of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi President at the time was James Monroe Seminole Indians who lived in Florida were attacking settlers and Spain was doing nothing to stop it. U.S. gave Spain an ultimatum of “govern or get out.” Spain decided to sell
Annexation of Texas (1845) Colonists settled in parts of Mexico (AKA: what we now know as Texas) looking for cheap farmland. Colonists brought slavery into Mexican territory where it was constitutional illegal. Mexico’s president is Santa Anna There is a Revolution, part of which is “REMEMBER THE ALAMO”… Mexico ultimately looses Texas President James Polk accepts Texas Annexation, allowing it to become a slave state and the 28th state of the union.
Oregon Territory (1846) ”A Good Compromise” Aggressive expansion into territories during the 1840s Up against British for Oregon Territory (Washington (State), Oregon, Idaho, and Wyoming) James K Polk, up for election, ran on slogan “54’40’ or Fight!” … Polk Won Election Polk and Great Britain decided to divide territory in half at the 49th Parallel Line.
Mexican Cession (1848) “Stealing or Right Place, Right Time?” Disputes between United States and Mexico in the territory now known as California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico Americans just settled in the territory belonging to Mexico Mexican-American War (1846-1848) ensued U.S. Army was able to seize Mexico City Mexico signed Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo to end the war 1849: Gold was found at Sutter’s Mill in Northern California Started argument over Slavery in the new territory… ultimately dividing the nation as the battle over slavery continued to rage…
Gadsden Purchase (1854) End of Westward Expansion Purchased from Mexico for $10 million Needed to build a southern transcontinental railroad.